Friday, February 18, 2011

North Face Logo On The Back

Mr Defence Minister,

Allow me at this point a few times to get rid of thoughts:

I found your site today, just terrible. Not even because of the concurrent Federal Press Conference - shit happens. Although it as Medienopportunist really should know better than to upset the entire capital press including the two German news channel. But the nature of your appearance. This trivializing of the accusations. This order-pity-crave: "... it is over about seven years in addition to my professional activity as a young family members and father were in their painstaking efforts ..."
Well, you have even decided to finish a doctoral thesis. Like many others before you.
you also happen to be working and started a family. Sorry, I do not break out in tears if your terrible situation at the time, but I fear that even with this situation you are not the first. Incidentally, may I say that for one of my high school teachers' painstaking efforts "meant that he has spent the handouts from previous student papers as information?

My personal highlight of your speech: "I will create no other standard than I would have recognized in others." Why do not they just resigned? Given your current crisis management, in the number of "guilty" had always amazed me something that you stick so at their office. And yes, you emphasize that you have written your own work.

Very offensive to me comes across this part of your speech: "... People expect in this country that I requested to the secretary of defense at full strength take care and I can too. ... And I am responsible for the soldiers in action, such an event indicates to the present day even more sardonically "
Dear Mr. Minister. I can not bear to have a turn of the neck to the Minister is how democracy and someone. halted his little cross with you. I have also elected, I take out the right to criticize your work. And I take out the right to request that someone with such important issues as the stand-alone writing his dissertation, his word is not broken. The fact that campaign promises will be sacrificed, is unfortunately standard in political life, but this is a different caliber. And there is no Private matter, because not for nothing has a thesis to be published. In order to set the first of the scientific community. And if it is stupid, as in your case, even just the rest of the audience. You can not weglächeln as simple and temporarily use the new song (which is not more than window dressing the way). Very bitter, but I find that you want to use dead soldiers to divert attention from their "mistakes."

Yes, there is war in Afghanistan. Yes, dead soldiers, the economic crisis, the situation in the Arab world are all issues that are more important than the dirty work of a PhD. But you have decided to politicians be. They wanted to represent people who make a difference (The times I present to you now as motivation, you are welcome to correct me here). Then you have to live with the fact that you shines through a bit to see how the man behind the politician. What values are important to him? And your thesis shows currently rather that title you are more important than a word of honor. That appearances are more important than the truth. And in this view, I am still encouraged by your behavior.

If you come out unscathed from this thing if you can keep your PhD, then you should not celebrate a personal triumph. Because then you have a scientific center Germany buried. Then doctorate - in particular the University of Bayreuth - worthless. Then you have the work of all other students discredited. Because with all due respect, I do not believe in clerical, are to me too many inconsistencies in your work.

Be judged by your standards. Stand back. And if you want to come out halfway decently from the matter, return your doctorate. *


Lilli Belle

PS: The quotes of your speech (you can see this on the quotation marks), I have the time (Online Added on 02/18/2011 - 12:39 clock *) .

* Edit: This letter has been edited by me twice. The first time I've added the demand for the return of the title and the exact release date of the Times article. The second change was simple optical reasons, the identification of the editing in italics has been changed into a means star.


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