Friday, February 11, 2011

Max Salary For Rpp Contributions


Actually, I'm still in Doctors Diary fever (since a looong Review is in the works), but old habits you are indeed not so fast. And Friday night is just Greys-time. Even if I just compared to DD realize that I have lost my total dependence quite some time. Meanwhile, I've created a minimal requirements, with which I can easily assess the result
Any ghosts? No. Schonmal a plus.
MerDer scenes? Yes, though not many. Another plus point.
Something that I was particularly pleased or upset? Callie's Baby Triangle - a minus point. All in all
an okay episode. Average, but nothing more.

Two notable trivia: Owen I liked this episode pretty well: First, that he has Callie supplied with coffee, the other his dialogue with Christina: ". Mer has two trials to choose"
- "You have a loving husband" - "She has that, too" - "You're screwed."

And of course Mer (despite the strange hair): It's good that the show did justice to its name even half-way ;-)


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