Friday, February 11, 2011

Bottle Of Korbel In Fridge For A Year. Is It Ok?

Doctors Diary

Small warning first: This is a long episode in Review. I found the episode overall good to very good, maybe it was actually one of the best episodes so far. However, there are so few small hooks on which I pass not even after multiple shows. What is admittedly a little absurd when I used to completely unrealistic plot lines to accept without a murmur.

Then we all at times dröseln:

The doctor without borders: How beautiful is the contact from the Amazon came to Berlin with an arrow in the chest? Even if it does not provide medical advice, it would be a bit more plausible to remove the arrow over the wound. Although the course no longer looks as spectacular. [But that would normally be a detail that I could live with.]
Otherwise I found it very amusing, but I wonder a little about his concern about the cost. I'm assuming that it is health insurance. Then he has nothing of this, if certain treatments are not carried out on him. If he himself pays his hospital bill, however, what you might have to mention again. However, I do not know why he must be x-rayed again. And even if Gretchen is right ("Your economy is fairly strenuous), I find the figure to be very credible and well-drawn, even if the medical history has very close parallels to Greys (surgery is conscious about the fish).

hate man and servant Elsdorfer: I really like that one Hassi once again experienced as a mother and her soft side. She is also the season came a little too short. Of course I have to find fault with anything here: When she and servant Elsdorfer Gabi and daughter are surprised I'm surprised that this purely march not just to the office. Because I did not get the impression that was completed when Hassi later the door opens. Second fault-finding: Knecht Elsdorfer asks if he may be part of the operation, while he has been sleeping here, So how can he have noticed? I find beautiful then the other, the little details, such as "let a fly" as a code for it that the daughter is to open his mouth. And anyway, that the daughter is presented as a mini-hatred man. That hate men and servant Elsdorfer reasonably find each other easily, now is not the worst. Another storyline complete with a complicated relationship drama would have been too much. is accompanied Apart from the pairing, I think the two also wonderful as the whole situation with music: Maybe the other couples should also take advantage of help from Melanie ;-)

Dr. Sabine Gummersbach. The first is her sweet pair of music, Sabine's mother was also accompanied with a really wicked tune. An extreme contrast, like Sabine and her mother. The latter is the malignancy in person. As can be understood already, that Dr. Gummersbach prefers, but still remains at Sabine, as the over-the-hand strike has already shown. Also pretty as Gabi was virtually from the outset included in this relationship. First, on both sides as misunderstood and now as an object of desire - albeit reluctant - relationship counselor. (And while we're at Gabi. I once read that she was in "Love in Berlin" missed every episode a different hair style I have the impression that the now in Doctors Diary) follow the suggestion of rat poison is already hard to swallow: either murder or suicide of the mother - the latter from the known trailers is likely ago..
(And I finally figured out why my actress Sabine's mother was so totally familiar: She plays Hedwig in Loriot Papa ante portas)

Marc and Gretchen: The two sizes I have the abdominal pain. Not that I did not like the story that the two play a family (have to), but the way there I was "spewed". How does the psychologist Gretchen's chatter and the baby in her arms to to believe that Marc and Gretchen's baby? For in their response to Interview, I really had the impression that they genuinely understand that Gretchen was married to another man and the "48h" relationship is more like the wishful thinking category. Gretchen's request for an advice (which I also found themselves in very Gretchen Typical) were with me when I was an outsider because, following arrived: Marc and Gretchen had 48 hours, a relationship and got married. They are now divorced for four weeks. Alternatively, Gretchen and Marc were together 48 hours before her wedding to another man, she married the other man, now she is separated from the others and is now trying the thing with Marc to get their act together. If I was in these two stories build a baby, I am of course in variant A to the conclusion that the child is two. However, as I said just the psychologist not have reacted as if she has interpreted. In variant B would be with me in principle, the other man, the potential father. Finally, it is never mentioned how long Gretchen was married. In short, it could have been solved and plausible for my liking and need. (The psychologist in itself but I was already very well when she told Gretchen to the point that this is just dependent on being loved.)
second Point, which seemed to me something bad next to it: Gretchen howls at Mehdi from. Hello? It is the thing with the sex (of course, the Gretchen is not entirely innocent) and then divulge this? I would have coughed what. Yet I can also find there a nice element: Mehdi "There are other men." Now
moderate to things: the Rapunzel scene I was actually very nice, I just do not understand why Gabi emerges as a key service. Although I recognize forgive women ;-), but I dream often that helps me someone I'm with heartfelt antipathy.
The return to school scene: the young Marc was so left-handed? Could there time please someone better pay attention to the details! And you want to tell me truly, that some twenty years old saying has survived all these years in a Klowand? This was just a Edding, after a couple of thorough cleaning you can see the no more. And such a school toilet will hopefully have some cleaning behind. Since a scoring would have been a little more believable. (Also, at that time was "wanker" already a common term of abuse, is more like me no, but then only in passing. And I think the young Marc somehow not open well, the first was better.)
Otherwise, the two were in this episode simply sweet to see again. In part, just like a old married couple. Which leads me to my two favorite scenes: The first should be quite clear: Marc and Gretchen for her interview. As he comforted her and tried to make clear why they just are not together. Because it's not the case, how they imagine it. And since he has also right.
The second favorite part: Gretchen sends buy Marc. And he goes. Although totally annoyed, but it is going. And since the two look just like a real couple, where he just knows when to back down over his girlfriend.
we come to the real OMG moment: Marc's flashback, where we see how his mother is beaten unconscious, and he trying to help her, is also beaten up. The forum has been discussed quite extensively, whether it is the father now or "just" an ex-friend of Elke. I I still believe that the violent reaction after pointing to the real father and also to constant violence. My personal theory: the father became violent when he was drunk. Consequently, not continuously, but "only" from time to time. Without alcohol it was just the dream man (Dr. Rogelt), because someone who could have killed almost Elke. With alcohol to the man who has turned to a man Marc, can not allow the vicinity. And the wegjagt Gretchen at the end. So far, that she sees Africa as a way out.

After the previews (ORF especially) I'm definitely looking forward to the last episode. I hope this is only to the makers that the audience does not want to again torment so cruel as at the end of the second season.


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