Wednesday, February 23, 2011

After The Stomach Flu

I can not let it

Before I lose due to overload or my overview of the sources and the subject temporarily, I stress temporarily *, let rest, a few observations on Causa Guttenberg:

- The fact that Guttenberg's grandfather written a book titled "Footnotes," is a certain irony. That just (? Missing from the article in the Süddeutsche 02/23/2011 / 17:06 clock unfortunately an accurate date on the case) a soldier demoted because of plagiarism in a thesis, it is necessary that happen a little bitter.

- At this point I wanted to write something bad to the University of Bayreuth, because of that they still make it a little easy, a PhD without the announced test simply take away and if they did not feel that work may be read (but for the first time). But I have just read ( Süddeutsche, 24.02.2011 / 5:00 clock) that is still being examined further whether intent.

- I continue to be the results of all surveys incomprehensible: As with the research institutes (and if you will, at FIG), the poll numbers per Guttenberg well over 50% if I in any online survey exactly the opposite picture FIND? And the forums / comments from the various news websites that I have flown, are mostly against Guttenberg. Does that really only affine network of academics and journalists against the lies of Baron are? Admittedly not a representative survey (20 people) showed a pro-Guttenberg candidates in the circle and two Known by friends that are Guttenberg.

- Very nice also the discussion with the Pro-Guttenberg-friend:
.. I do not want to withdraw the lie that he and all but as long as he does his job well. "
- "So you'll see that he does his job well?" - "That I can not judge."
final argument will always (all but the lie). Unfortunately I am one of those people who might suspect that the politicians do not always all right with things going, but are totally opposed, proven by a liars and cheats to be governed. And if you have approached the job takes, you should also have arguments. The discussion was rather frustrating, however.

- the way I am also pro-withdrawal-Merkel. After she was I let's say benevolent neutrality was established (it is difficult to have an opinion against someone who has no opinion), it is now back where they started **. Well, actually mean. And I decided this time to be with her very unforgiving.

* Free to the various "apology speech" of KTvuzG and temporary means here probably until his dismissal / resignation. What can obviously take a while.
** First, it was just in the wrong party, but then they Biederman to Mr. Bush on Iraq war. Was not so good.


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