Monday, February 21, 2011

Folding And Bed And Tray

FOR CREATION IS MOVEMENT. Janet Frame: Towards Another Summer

A thirty year old writer from New Zealand who lives in London, visits the young family of a journalist, which she once interviewed for a winter weekend in the country. She travels from a little earlier than was planned because they were " homesick for my typewriter " feels, as she explains to the young married couple Anne and Philip Thirkettle. They are friendly, educated and well-read people who welcome Grace Cleave as host, but she cries in the two nights in Winchley to sleep. They stayed in the room of the absent father of Anne, the sheep farmer in New Zealand. While the shy Grace feels overwhelmed by the offer close and heat, which Philip and Anne, their memories fly home to New Zealand's South Island, where she grew up the daughter of a railroad worker.

Janet Frame felt what she had to tell in this narrow band, as so personal that they avoided the publication in her lifetime. But she kept at separate locations in two bound copies of the novel. Pamela Cordon who presides over the Janet Frame Literary Trust, took on the issue. The book reveals no embarrassing secrets, desires and longings of Janet Frame. But it turns truly represents the sensitive consciousness of a single young woman, her fantasies and memories are as real as the so-called reality in which the other seemingly safe move, " Now journeys were not simple matters for Grace, nothing is simple if your mind is a fetch-and-carry wanderer from sliced perilous outer world to secret safe inner world ..."

Grace discovers her identity: "I'm a migratory bird. "Their unfamiliarity in cold London, the unvarnished memories of a childhood" on the rail ", any " shift "the father of a railway point of the other following, to communicate their despair at the inability of other people find in this picture together. Grace Cleave is not at home, but on the flight in that other world, in which she lives, which is fantastic and inhuman, " down, dream, down."

In Philip and Anne's book collection Grace finds . an anthology of New Zealand poetry, the reading of the memories of their childhood in the South Island come alive A child grows up in this railroad family, the mysteries are the words: "Words were so mysterious, full of pleasure and fear. Mosgiel. Mosgiel. Up Central. Taieri. Waihola. Ao Tea Roa. Lottie. Lottie. That was my mother's name, yet we never called her Lottie, it was only aunts and uncles who were allowed to use her name. (...) The word was strange to frightening, it gave my mother a new distinction Which Seemed to separate her from us, Which implied she did not belong to us at all It made me curious of her and jealous of ago, her name was a way of saying NO to us - but we were not her babies, I had not been her special baby was born until Dorry " that a mother loses her Eigenamen, as the recovery of that name a violation? the family is and that some women never show up again from the mom-mother-grandmother-Grandma is closely monitored.

The over-sensitive Perception in which mixed fantasy and reality, creates the writer a singular worldview that is uniquely feminine. Whether it's the memories of the mother, who ventured to the father not to contradict and their own lives to their full child or presentation of the loving relationship of Thirkettle - Grace Cleave acknowledges with the sharp eye of the outsider, the extent to which women's lives are shaped by the desire to please the man and he made right and good, as too little opportunity to develop open spaces in this budget a separate identity. Grace admired Anne's ability to do the homework almost invisible: "At artist could learn from her, Grace thought. She knows how to make, to give, without the qualifying -. May seek It's mine " The nameless creation but that Grace is not just production principle of male authorship, the work provides each piece with pride their own signature . " Let all the world be calm, Grace thought, Let Philip not murder Anne. This my plate, my cheese on toast, this my coffee in the yellow cup, and-oh my god! - Philip and Anne will kill each other. You see, they are my mother and father. "

Each page of this book generated imagery and thought flights. arise in the reader through this dense word structure own memories, dreams, fears, desires, hopes: a slim volume on full, which can be read quickly and the long but needs to be read.

" Yet here, in the attic, Grace decided, little effort or encouragement would be needed to draw aside the curtains of the secret window, to smash the glass, enter the View, fearful, hopeful , lonely, disciplining one's breath to meet the demands of the new element, facing again and again the mermaid's conflict - to go or stay, to return through the window one Whose side is a mirror, or inhabit the blood-cave and slowly change from one who gazed at the view to one who is a part or whole of the view itself; and from there (for creation is movement) when all the mirror  is a distorted image of oneself, bobbing in the dark waves with stripes of light like silver and gold bars imprisoning one´s face and body, to pass beyond the view, beyond oneself to – where ?"


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