shall be for Guttenberg competent Bavarian Administrative Court ruled as 2006 that "the letter or in spirit adoption of text passages from other works without (sufficient) Quote of basic standards of scientific work and therefore violates the assumption of a work as a dissertation usually excludes.

And if I may compare apples to oranges: if someone (illegally) from the Internet is a song download, then screams the music industry, copyright infringement and is therefore equivalent to a certain degree before the court (and I think most people realize that they are actually doing just something illegal, if it is a song Download - copy it to himself). If you copy the intellectual work of another and we do not like it was his own (!) - Then suddenly everything is not so bad? Then pass the time?
As I said, I have written an academic thesis. I know how tedious it is to use all quotes properly and reported. And it is not just a few forgotten footnotes - it comes to whole paragraphs that were copied and not labeled as such. That is (in scientific terms) is not a petty offense and throws a bad light in the Lord of Defence and its credibility. No matter what one might otherwise think of him.