Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is It Ok To Get Your Eyebrows Done After Tanning

WORD TREASURE - An educational project (3)

Today: Verblendnisz

beauty, even the mere sound of words and if it is missing the corresponding body can also, for a while to fade. Where beauty is revealed, the mind seeks involuntarily goodness, truth and human greatness. This is a mistake that may be true sad, but need not. There are so many good warm indoor plumbing and hairdressers, the ugly breitmaulfröschig Hessian babble (for example), and the acquaintance with them can be a blessing. In contrast, the encounter turns out with the beautiful (even in the metaphorical sense) of the in itself is blinded, and often heartbreaking than trivial. If power is derived from the unilateral right of self-righteousness and wickedness, from business, many disgusted. Only the following remains with the deluded and sounds undaunted, as the persecution of innocent again the victim was, as always, after exhausting a steady rhythm. "I am the arms takes his Verblendnisz ." It is the excessive love of self (may be the result of lack of love) as much as in the chimeric and extravagance in love, but the joys seem smaller.

Pick your allies not under the glare of work, but by their deeds and behavior.

( dedicated to my sons)


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