Monday, February 28, 2011

Which Isthe Best Concealer For Indian Complexion

Buddha today? 2

Many people here in the "West" are only too happy to hear wonderful stories from the Orient and to believe. Then come all sorts of messages, wisdom, and even learn from another, unknown to us, parts of the world. Since I read books to me are in this genre already writings on Yoga, Sufism, shamanism, nature religions, cults, ghosts and demons of natives of distant lands and islands, not least of Vedic scriptures and Buddhism meet.

more or less freely and unencumbered suffer from the current problems in which these messages in their countries of origin, I have this with thousands of other "Westerners" in our relatively cozy, with plenty of material goods equipped world took note. In all that we were there for the last few decades would be to take too much, so I will confine myself to Buddhism.

is readily available in this country is a lama, a monk, a Zen master, a guru or whatever seems to be associated with the Buddhist traditions related to spontaneously bring a lot of attention, respect and devotion towards. Thus the members of someone I know, in the context of Tibetan Buddhism standing group in jest the concept of "Tibetans worship" was invented, because all visitors and members passed in awe when turned up a Tibetan, no matter if this is a Rinpoche, Lama, or even a simple Laie was.

The same phenomenon also affects the other traditions. In Zen I have seen only from a relative distance. Even with friends of the Theravada tradition rich robes like a robe or a gown, and Asian languages often sufficient to impress everyone. Even German and other European "masters" blind successfully with the claim appropriate "authorization" of mostly already deceased teachers and lineage holders get to have.

In Cologne, there was a great young Burma "monk" named Sopaka a long time, the Theravada impressed people from the area and even some Burmans. In Cologne, it was some time "Center" held for disposal. Roughly speaking, a Asian wraps himself in the relevant substance, which is rudimentary familiar with Buddhism, and an exotic foreign language, may influence in Germany and make sure in other European countries, a rapid rise.

What all these champions, role models, abbots, monks and so do not expect is that the first so start blinded studies isolated source to operate and become familiar with the Pali canon, and even study the Vinaya (the monastic rules). These "forbidden" studies show then, that not only the blending of gullible Europeans against the "rules" does, but also long and eagerly Customs has maintained from the Theravada countries, a far cry from the original meaning. Also, the rules often apply only areas where they are useful and in places where they require effort and honesty, they are overlooked easily.

The latter I will describe the example of the monk U Uttara. A few years ago I was introduced to these monks of Burmans. He spoke good English and gained wide recognition from those living in Germany Burmans. He was / is a founding member, and also named the first chairman of the newly founded association Buddha Sasana Ramsi.

This monk was looking after the founding association with space and room to build a temple, what was, after some time with donations of money and a lot of volunteer help, especially the Burmans succeeded. In the time of the construction of this temple was found that the monk U Uttara a tight ship and led the club ever gets to determine who represents the temple, and that club and heads. For me, as Europeans, nothing special, that a monk leads a club, although I am curious about the club's management a bit surprised. To make a long story, the monk accepted for years until May 2010 Donation of Burma and other temple visitors who used them for travel transactions and strange. He bullying everyone, including other monks, not him enough were shown and where there was a risk that they might have their own opinions. Ultimately, his club and temple leadership led to the Burmans quarreled and split into several camps, none of which was able to run the temple remains. The newly established temple was pointed out temporarily abandoned.

Here is the current home of the monk and one of his employees.

text on this site are, in contrast to the past, only to Burmesisch.

The photographs Burmans in the slide show below originate from earlier times and are linked to the home page. They will probably suggest that there is still a lively and gives the monk devoted community.

slideshow of photos from 2009

From the perspective of ancient Buddhist monastic rules as I understand it looks like this:

The monks are the Sangha and the laity take care of the housing and the material welfare of the monks. The monks may indeed express wishes, but did not intervene actively in the work of the laity. In other words, a monk can not and should not be a club board . A layman can not and must not interfere in Sangha affairs. If now to disregard the rules by example the monk to meet him brought respect to the expansion of its own abuses of power, then problems arise. Lay people can and can not really object to the monks, which is fine if the monks limit according to their training and their vow to focus on the spiritual. Unfortunately, contrary to lay their monks also do not break when they pretty much all the rules or the discretion to use pragmatic for their own political purposes.

like I also know from politics, in which certain "authorities" simply all the rules, more or less obvious, can break at will to enforce its goals of eliminating competitors and exercise power over others.

Leica Televid 77 Camera Adaptor


The colleague has a birthday of Schatziherzi (no, not that she calls him) get an iPhone. And says the whole day. And amazed. And is enthusiastic.

colleague ... It's almost like such a small minicomputer. In your pocket.
Lilli Belle: And yet it is an even sold as a phone.
colleague: No, that is not a phone. This is an Iphone!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dbz Bulma Boob Episond 6

PYGMALION PUNK (10): Asger Jorn

continuation of the epistolary novel: Punk Pygmalion (1-9 Here: )

the last letter of Ansgar at Emmi from December 1983, I figured over a month in the blog. I could make many excuses why I have the publication of the letters until interrupted. The truth is that I needed time to deal with my conflicting feelings. My friend Emma had me passed in November 2010, a shoe box full of letters to it in the mid 80s Ansgar, a Punk from Copenhagen, wrote. Emmi, who had just separated from her husband , met Ansgar again a little later after more than 20 years ago and the old passion inflamed. What Emmi band so hard to Ansgar, not revealed to me these letters. The possessive tone Ansgar and the memory of the eerie transformation of the young Emma after meeting with him rather frightened me to indefinite way. other hand, showed me these letters, however much Ansgar had come by his feelings for Emma then out of kilter.

Emmis breathless protestations on the phone, as she was happy with Ansgar, could not resolve my discomfort. I waited to see her again, face to face. Last week we met in Kassel to a "Sleeping Beauty weekend. When Emma got in Kassel-out of the ICE, I hardly recognized her again. She looked younger by several years, so alive and sparkling. Ansgar, who made the 17 year old in the 80's to dark punk produced, this time apparently the reverse effect: from the careworn Mitvierzigerin was a jubilant beaming become lovers.

Dangerous Kissing
We enjoyed the weekend, but we talked less about Ansgar, as I had hoped. Emmi seemed to have no need for it and I found it difficult as they used to ask directly. Only at parting, she asked me: "Do not listen to to publish the letters. And please, let it go this time well. "She pulled before they boarded the train, a book from her bag. "He sent me then for my birthday." In the picture book that she gave me, put a black and white photography the Little Mermaid , stood on the back. "This is my favorite: Asger Jorn. Show: 117 Dangerous Kissing. . Jeg elsker dig "

At home, I sought out the letter, which was part of this gift:

March 1984

love Emmi,

birthday I am sending you under separate cover (because it is cheaper) a book of my favorite painter Asger Jorn. I know you like art. Jorn will like if you do not know it yet. Unfortunately, not all images in color. Try to imagine it. We are the originals seen together in Silkeborg, I promise you, if you come in summer, and will you come, you know, Emmi?

I do not want you to write such stuff as: "When I was 18 ..." Blah blah blah ... Enjoy it. I wish I could be with you. I have decided to cancel the study. I've already written, is not it? For weeks I was no longer there. My father has no more rent. No idea how to go further. But I'm working on a sculpture. I found a stone mason, I can cut the night in his hall.

Damn, Emmi, I like your poems, you will always be crazy and that's what I like. I am still on a cassette for you so you understand what I mean, with the Sex Pistols, Siouxsie and Bandshees, ok.?

I hear all the time "Berlin" and think of you, I am sending you too, "Transformer". His voice, you're right, is very special. You wrote that you especially "Sad Song " like, but, Emmi, I can hardly stand this song. As follow you their pain and love? - And above all, how do you endure that he is not crying or screaming or anything? It seems so cruel to hear his calm, cool voice that tells of suicide and that it must continue, but why? Is it the drugs that make him so inhuman, or is he so unhappy that he no longer can feel? And just want to survive? (Sometimes, when I long for you, I hear myself "Sad Song" to sing, but I do not then remember that I'm on.) Naughty You. Do not you feel me?

you want me to you by my Sculpture write, but I can not do today. I have swallowed a lot of dust when working. It's like I'm suffocating, but I do not know if it is the stone or your cold, that you do not go, but write so smooth letters. You say you love me, but I can feel it when you do not want to be with me.

With whom do you celebrate? Please, Emmi, write me soon!


you scroll through the photo book I remembered how I by Emmi in the year before graduation, the Art for me discovered. Our trip to Paris during the Easter holidays 1984, written just after the high school, where we visited an exhibition about the Situationists. How I was shocked when I saw a photo of Jorn . "Looks like a twin of your Ansgar." I said. Emmi nodded. "If he were a punk." "Why did you not go to Copenhagen?" Emma shrugged. "In the summer."

Best Friend Quote For Picnik


A new contribution to the series "Men Species-appropriate entertainment "

is particularly important to adapt the design of the enclosure-age development. If the room dimensions, it may well be advised to use outsourcing in basements or side buildings. The defuse potential conflicts by smell and noise pollution.

As a redundant and overpriced, the trend emerged to design more complex issues and experiences. The adolescents are quite satisfied with used furniture and toys. Much more important from an educational point of view appears to involve the residents in the design and have them experience their self-efficacy.

Customised enclosure with sports equipment
The self-designed and - clean enclosure like in equipment and state of preservation is not always the meet requirements of the supervisors, but this is with regard to the development of social and personal skills to accept, which can be strengthened only by independent action. Again and again the choice of game and entertainment equipment will ensure irritation. Surveys have shown, however, that the equipment is required with at least two TV sets (see picture) by a majority of the residents.

TVs for practicing multi-tasking skills
in the modern world of work often required multi-tasking is here practiced in a playful way. While interacting socially means of one device (X-Box games, example: Batman Arkham Asylum), with the help of other current issues at the same time (example: Sex and Gender, Two and a Half Men) are processed.

is also a species-appropriate supply of hygiene products (currently in vogue: Dark Temptation), beverages (Magic one juror Hofer Hefeweizen grapefruit) to respect and food (tacos, kebabs, chips, chips, crisps) . be pointed

however important to note that a welfare organization of the exhibit also developed a strong attraction for outsiders. The use of the enclosure is then limited, we will not on its own brood. Overcrowding and premature wear can result. must

Ultimately between caregivers and residents, the conditions for use of the enclosure, so the experience shows are always renegotiated.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Old Fashioned Girdles

Under the sea ...

you Take but a few minutes ...

Especially the tiny red-white blast cancer has done to me - the guy is just two inches tall and is constantly on the building!
And the boxer crab, but strongly reminiscent of a cheerleader, as there herumwedelt anemones with their tufts.
And of course the two Clownie who have for several weeks now finally discovered that an anemone is ready just for you!
And ... anyway I think Pele's entire nano-reef project just great!

Can Sony Bravia Be Used As Media Centre Extender?


I could not sleep last night. What is not in my insomnia was more or less cyclical, but because I was freezing. Despite a thick wool sweater over the sleeping T-shirt, thick socks, over the blanket from the living room above the normal quilt and the thicker quilt again and objective 20 degrees in the bedroom.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Troubleshooting Aquarius Dishwasher Dwf40


because you are as hardened nu, and you like the easy list,
Sun lasz I will weather the sake and I will be happy like silent
Kaspar Stieler: Geharnschte Venus

The air was nebulous. The elf shivered in the morning. A weather moved on, she suspected. Outside the gates, where the Wildermuth's blood soaked the ground, they wanted to meet the messengers of their people. They swelled the nostrils and smell the forest. Wicker Park she rubbed her cheek against the bark of old oak. Deceitfully as a hand reached into her thigh. "The Cross", it whispered in her ear and she recognized the voice of the king. "You yourself ..." With his teeth, he bit through the chain on her neck. The mark slipped down between her breasts. "Crowed three times already on the roof of the tin rooster. Return the changeling out. "He dug deeper into her flesh. "Waide me ..." You could smell the musty tree moss, and awaited the event. "My son." "You know the word." Exposed, they knew their lives were nervous in front of him. "Comes along ...." A thunderstorm wind tore down the last sprouting grass.

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"I was sure to believe so arrogant that I manage to square the circle, "said Guttenberg. He wanted to reconcile his duties as a politician and a young family man with the challenges of a doctoral thesis." I was obviously overwhelmed with it. "
(Source:. mirror-online, 02/23/2011,, 1518,747280,00 html)

my PhD, I had as a young mother (the oldest son was eighteen months old at the start, the youngest just born), accompanied by a second degree and without the Support of a man's house or house staff written. The young father had aushäusig earn full time money for rent, clothes, food. I won a scholarship that allowed me to once a week to pay for a few hours an older lady who takes care for my sons while I was writing. Otherwise, I used the nights and mornings when the one asleep and the other in the crèche was. My older son was born prematurely and needed at the beginning of his life an elaborate gymnastic therapy. The younger one was sleeping in the first nine months, never longer than two hours at a time. He had only to my body calm down. The worst thing in those years, I remember, was the sleep deprivation.

one that I will never forget the night I was exhausted on the floor in the bathroom and his head leaning against the cold tiles. I was sure never to rise again. Somehow it still went on and on. Three years it took to complete the doctorate. Incidentally, I began a clerkship, and laid a little later the second state exam. I cried a lot in those years, too much laughter. Every day and thought: I can not do it. I was an overworked wife. I made many mistakes, 'm insufferable, hectic, hysterical been.

When I read Guttenberg excuses, I need to puke.

(Not really, only metaphorically. But is this the one size too small, too stupid to dishonor for me My girlfriend says: "You're too tough You can not seriously of one. require to be the minister wants that he is just as powerful as a young mother. "There she is of course right .*)

* I do not mean the sexist. There are very tough men.

Milena Velba At The Bus

Quotations ...

... out of context:

"But on average, are not you good, right?"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

After The Stomach Flu

I can not let it

Before I lose due to overload or my overview of the sources and the subject temporarily, I stress temporarily *, let rest, a few observations on Causa Guttenberg:

- The fact that Guttenberg's grandfather written a book titled "Footnotes," is a certain irony. That just (? Missing from the article in the Süddeutsche 02/23/2011 / 17:06 clock unfortunately an accurate date on the case) a soldier demoted because of plagiarism in a thesis, it is necessary that happen a little bitter.

- At this point I wanted to write something bad to the University of Bayreuth, because of that they still make it a little easy, a PhD without the announced test simply take away and if they did not feel that work may be read (but for the first time). But I have just read ( Süddeutsche, 24.02.2011 / 5:00 clock) that is still being examined further whether intent.

- I continue to be the results of all surveys incomprehensible: As with the research institutes (and if you will, at FIG), the poll numbers per Guttenberg well over 50% if I in any online survey exactly the opposite picture FIND? And the forums / comments from the various news websites that I have flown, are mostly against Guttenberg. Does that really only affine network of academics and journalists against the lies of Baron are? Admittedly not a representative survey (20 people) showed a pro-Guttenberg candidates in the circle and two Known by friends that are Guttenberg.

- Very nice also the discussion with the Pro-Guttenberg-friend:
.. I do not want to withdraw the lie that he and all but as long as he does his job well. "
- "So you'll see that he does his job well?" - "That I can not judge."
final argument will always (all but the lie). Unfortunately I am one of those people who might suspect that the politicians do not always all right with things going, but are totally opposed, proven by a liars and cheats to be governed. And if you have approached the job takes, you should also have arguments. The discussion was rather frustrating, however.

- the way I am also pro-withdrawal-Merkel. After she was I let's say benevolent neutrality was established (it is difficult to have an opinion against someone who has no opinion), it is now back where they started **. Well, actually mean. And I decided this time to be with her very unforgiving.

* Free to the various "apology speech" of KTvuzG and temporary means here probably until his dismissal / resignation. What can obviously take a while.
** First, it was just in the wrong party, but then they Biederman to Mr. Bush on Iraq war. Was not so good.

Veggie Tales Loaves And Fishes

POOL-SHOCK (A town without a train brought you home again)

The blog novel continues. This time: POOL-SHOCK. (A town without a train brought you home again)

Upstream and our Stand Star
under one sky
A cabin once stood
where we now
The sister grew up under trains. The rest to the sea. In water, they saw one. Dark. Was it a mistake? The Lord of Hell. Tom tom. The Melusine singing again in the Indian Ocean, from the sister, who sang with the others and sank. Not with her lover, after whom it is distorted, not the father of her sons, but ... Who is this Karim? The play a riff, which she smashes on the drums: come come come come . Karim is dead He died two weeks later on the way to the Neuglobsow Stechlinsee, where he led the Dark Knight. The revenge of the betrayed seducer?

Synopsis so far: here.
not forget is all fiction .
Also: Melusines are no Undine - Limnology

Rail Rider Easy-care Changing Table


evas costumes *

I saw the gauntlet Indians the woman as a metaphor drove before them,
a few times around the stake while she peeled the apples with a knife.

and one night,
just as the rose of jericho flooring over my blew
since it came into my mind:

pine from tin
the texture serial,

now I sit here and take measurements, maria,

(ma mata, mata hari ... )

slide rule is one of the alveoli which I ate.


Carolee Schneemann Eye Body
the alveoli, without which it can not breathe, you eat,, - I had to look up, even the other hand: again and again all the word wing, Sinn throws, opportunity areas ("Yes, the sense of possibility space give " ** says she Ja.Ja.) Indians and metaphors. There stands Pierre Brice as Winnetou , my Bravo-Star-cut in the door. But have Winnetou, oh, it must Winnetou brown eyes? I'm in love with Nscho-chi. Good thing Lex Barker can not get it. I want them to survive and a blood sister is. They gnash their teeth. Doe eyes do not lie. I do not like books about horses, but five friends. But George wants to be a boy. I wear terry clothes and jump from the roof of the garage, without fear. Until I look down one day and learn to fear. My legs are thin, I fit through all the bars. Because I can open the door from the inside, they let me play. They hunt no more people and do not tear their flesh with their teeth, they are no oracle, she seduces no snakes and do not cut off more heads. I just dance naked in the dark. "not ... the Evakostüm but Eva's costumes, Mata Hari, multiple identities, which tells many stories, "**, serial, individual, formal. My coat, your shoes, the skin is permeable, still. Nameless. Nemesis. I help me get started. Skip You!

Eve lewdness

(The Lord is off.)

Then she invites me Winnetou ;
Oh, Nschot-shi, little sister,
to pull you, snake woman,
leaves the earthy mess:

apple foam, wine champion,
the drunken sense
of defoliated Kaff Maryam,
moved found Dar-as-Salam.

Oh, Diana multimammia,
Mata mata hari
It rattles wreath of roses
When loose veil dance.

(Adam come home?)

* read from An (first published: here:)
** read An ( here: )

(quotes courtesy of the author Thank you. ! Read on)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Milena Velba Striptease In Bus


I wanted to bombard my blog with no further KTvuzG, but since the man is still not resigned ...

- very nice to tell him friends in the party now that it would have taken for the ministerial posts no doctorate. Perhaps they should have the say in advance before he zusammengefriemelt "in the most arduous legwork" texts.
- Could someone tell me when these 70%-approval-infra-test survey was made? I mean, even at Image are currently (Tue, 11:18 clock) 46% of the people for a withdrawal and only 42% against.
- Mrs Merkel did is no "scientific assistant". Thus, a basic profile for honest and credible people have to meet but not obviously.
- In place of the University of Bayreuth, but now I would go at himself in the offensive. But you know the title publicly, and perhaps even push an action for defamation after?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Chucky Cervical Mucus


citizens: "D u Fuszfiderer you Vettelnkützler, you beggar bed."

champion: "D he beat clumsy wheel to wheel ärschlings and falling into hell. "


A review of BenHuRum

* quotes from citizens and Goethe

Isuzu 1.7 Diesel Pumpe

Nine Patch Lattice Summer Quilt Summer Quilt

What here began, was completed yesterday.

For the back I have the remaining 3 patch blocks properly staged and processed some of the material remains as a wide border. Combined with fresh green cotton sateen, this gives an overall picture that does not need to hide. At least I find it somewhat difficult to decide which side I like even better ...

Again, this quilt is complete again machinequilted in Meandermuster, but this time not as close as I've been doing forever, but in a very generous curve.
This uniformity of the "pattern" to , I found much more difficult to achieve, small-scale with the Meandermuster. The size of the bites varies also like, if you pay attention not always accurate. But the grip of the finished quilt is much softer than in a closely quilted piece and the stippling process will take only about half as long. After a good 3.5 hours I had finished.

should With such bright colors can attract the spring, is not it?

Folding And Bed And Tray

FOR CREATION IS MOVEMENT. Janet Frame: Towards Another Summer

A thirty year old writer from New Zealand who lives in London, visits the young family of a journalist, which she once interviewed for a winter weekend in the country. She travels from a little earlier than was planned because they were " homesick for my typewriter " feels, as she explains to the young married couple Anne and Philip Thirkettle. They are friendly, educated and well-read people who welcome Grace Cleave as host, but she cries in the two nights in Winchley to sleep. They stayed in the room of the absent father of Anne, the sheep farmer in New Zealand. While the shy Grace feels overwhelmed by the offer close and heat, which Philip and Anne, their memories fly home to New Zealand's South Island, where she grew up the daughter of a railroad worker.

Janet Frame felt what she had to tell in this narrow band, as so personal that they avoided the publication in her lifetime. But she kept at separate locations in two bound copies of the novel. Pamela Cordon who presides over the Janet Frame Literary Trust, took on the issue. The book reveals no embarrassing secrets, desires and longings of Janet Frame. But it turns truly represents the sensitive consciousness of a single young woman, her fantasies and memories are as real as the so-called reality in which the other seemingly safe move, " Now journeys were not simple matters for Grace, nothing is simple if your mind is a fetch-and-carry wanderer from sliced perilous outer world to secret safe inner world ..."

Grace discovers her identity: "I'm a migratory bird. "Their unfamiliarity in cold London, the unvarnished memories of a childhood" on the rail ", any " shift "the father of a railway point of the other following, to communicate their despair at the inability of other people find in this picture together. Grace Cleave is not at home, but on the flight in that other world, in which she lives, which is fantastic and inhuman, " down, dream, down."

In Philip and Anne's book collection Grace finds . an anthology of New Zealand poetry, the reading of the memories of their childhood in the South Island come alive A child grows up in this railroad family, the mysteries are the words: "Words were so mysterious, full of pleasure and fear. Mosgiel. Mosgiel. Up Central. Taieri. Waihola. Ao Tea Roa. Lottie. Lottie. That was my mother's name, yet we never called her Lottie, it was only aunts and uncles who were allowed to use her name. (...) The word was strange to frightening, it gave my mother a new distinction Which Seemed to separate her from us, Which implied she did not belong to us at all It made me curious of her and jealous of ago, her name was a way of saying NO to us - but we were not her babies, I had not been her special baby was born until Dorry " that a mother loses her Eigenamen, as the recovery of that name a violation? the family is and that some women never show up again from the mom-mother-grandmother-Grandma is closely monitored.

The over-sensitive Perception in which mixed fantasy and reality, creates the writer a singular worldview that is uniquely feminine. Whether it's the memories of the mother, who ventured to the father not to contradict and their own lives to their full child or presentation of the loving relationship of Thirkettle - Grace Cleave acknowledges with the sharp eye of the outsider, the extent to which women's lives are shaped by the desire to please the man and he made right and good, as too little opportunity to develop open spaces in this budget a separate identity. Grace admired Anne's ability to do the homework almost invisible: "At artist could learn from her, Grace thought. She knows how to make, to give, without the qualifying -. May seek It's mine " The nameless creation but that Grace is not just production principle of male authorship, the work provides each piece with pride their own signature . " Let all the world be calm, Grace thought, Let Philip not murder Anne. This my plate, my cheese on toast, this my coffee in the yellow cup, and-oh my god! - Philip and Anne will kill each other. You see, they are my mother and father. "

Each page of this book generated imagery and thought flights. arise in the reader through this dense word structure own memories, dreams, fears, desires, hopes: a slim volume on full, which can be read quickly and the long but needs to be read.

" Yet here, in the attic, Grace decided, little effort or encouragement would be needed to draw aside the curtains of the secret window, to smash the glass, enter the View, fearful, hopeful , lonely, disciplining one's breath to meet the demands of the new element, facing again and again the mermaid's conflict - to go or stay, to return through the window one Whose side is a mirror, or inhabit the blood-cave and slowly change from one who gazed at the view to one who is a part or whole of the view itself; and from there (for creation is movement) when all the mirror  is a distorted image of oneself, bobbing in the dark waves with stripes of light like silver and gold bars imprisoning one´s face and body, to pass beyond the view, beyond oneself to – where ?"

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is It Ok To Get Your Eyebrows Done After Tanning

WORD TREASURE - An educational project (3)

Today: Verblendnisz

beauty, even the mere sound of words and if it is missing the corresponding body can also, for a while to fade. Where beauty is revealed, the mind seeks involuntarily goodness, truth and human greatness. This is a mistake that may be true sad, but need not. There are so many good warm indoor plumbing and hairdressers, the ugly breitmaulfröschig Hessian babble (for example), and the acquaintance with them can be a blessing. In contrast, the encounter turns out with the beautiful (even in the metaphorical sense) of the in itself is blinded, and often heartbreaking than trivial. If power is derived from the unilateral right of self-righteousness and wickedness, from business, many disgusted. Only the following remains with the deluded and sounds undaunted, as the persecution of innocent again the victim was, as always, after exhausting a steady rhythm. "I am the arms takes his Verblendnisz ." It is the excessive love of self (may be the result of lack of love) as much as in the chimeric and extravagance in love, but the joys seem smaller.

Pick your allies not under the glare of work, but by their deeds and behavior.

( dedicated to my sons)

How To Register A Homemade Trailer

words to Sunday

would be really slow at this point even out my Reviews of Doctor's Diary and Grey's overdue, but due to various technical labor confrontations that I would not have needed, I got so far not to do so.

So here are a few comments on the not yet retired Defense Minister:

- I can not understand how Angela Merkel, in which I am actually convinced of it that she wrote her Diss itself in this matter KTvuzG nor can strengthen the back. I already noticed that I do not know what the topic is her heart. But does it make sick they do not support this man further, if it ensures that now even their first flat Diss is under suspicion of plagiarism?
- The Bundeswehr has two universities: what some professor is now one of these universities presumably oppose plagiarist, if the chief executive is thus obtained a doctorate summa cum laude?
- As told mermaid me get to his workplace and their employees with Mama PhD 500 - 1000 € more per month. How is the reaction of a company boss would fail if one of these doctorates turns out to be illegal? Dismissal and probably damages.
- For Women Nessy writes one of the commentators' ... If I would have to intern at the Bundestag and for Karl to write his doctoral thesis, it would be just the out come of it. " When I look at the current state look at (since last night varies it 267-268 pages with plagiarism), speaks at the moment so much more for the Ghost Writer theory as their own writing. Stand back, he must nevertheless.
- Only half times the interest, if you all found the plagiarism and proper citations (of which there has indeed been a few) together, and how much is left to individual performance? So aside from the gathering. (As an aside from tomorrow levels [in the network circulated a preliminary scan ] certainly is appreciated as performance because it is such a comprehensive collection of texts in German has not yet announced.)
- the way I have in this respect a lot of fun with the Internet : The Guttenberg keyboard (in several variants ), the Guttenberg edition of Word 2007 or even Twitter .

Mod Fantasy Mount And Blade Descargar


Sometimes fits all coming together! EVERYTHING!

1) The child has grown out of their transition jacket and desperately needs new ne.
2) mom has some time ago as a precaution at the cutting Mariluz farbenmix
concerned 3) The child was immediately agreed with this cut and ...
4) The favorite color of green and little is currently home to moms stock accidental nor a breathtaking beautiful cotton velvet which was immediately treated as an absolute favorite for the new jacket, and ...
5) Also, the right froschquietschgrüne fleece lining for the jacket was already present.

I Did not that just fit EVERYTHING!

Since the substance is in itself an eye-catcher, there was little additional Tüddelei. Only the big, beautiful rose - digitized by vanree - was allowed on the back of the short jacket.

And from the big sister, there were two small crocheted flowers that were placed as ornaments on the tabs on the sleeves.

The only thing I changed on average, have added or are pockets. This particle has, according to section that is no! It occurred to me until I already had everything cut ... ahem ... So in short I have
pocket bag integrated into the side seams. And this looks like this:

Conclusion: A favorite - now!

The big sister has promptly notified the desire for such a short coat. And I myself am looking for a suitable jacket cut, I can change accordingly so that also gets a Mariluz Mami!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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the anniversary they celebrated deep in the enchanted forest . The noise of the Fulda drowned mercilessly by shooting cars. Where there is no water, they find a way of saying, Melusine and the . She knelt down anywhere on the slope to the hand in the river to stretch. Without the connection to the sea but it remains silent. The other proposes bravely through dense undergrowth springlike decisive final sore. Only occasionally hurt their feet when they touch the roots of mendacity. Heilmann, who slipped unattractive hero of a desire is a distant memory. In the dream she saw him the commit ritual murder with which he wanted to save him from the booze begotten son. His memories are as false as their conclusions. He stands alone in the hail storm of blows, which it does not apply. A wounded animal is always rabid bite , the forester had said before. I thought it was a human , she thought. All our errors propagate like rabbits. Only we remain sterile. The safety net continues, lives no game. Who blogs, found dead inside the plant creation. Only the growths think further. We pay homage to the indefatigable waste and scourged the parsimony.

On 18 February 2010, on this blog, which was then called, otherwise, set the first text. Now he has the title "All the years . (I change constantly, and make no change indicated. Cached there is some things just happen. But the "real life" deserves honesty.) This text has a long history. He stood under a different title and include authors' names in 2009 before the net. (You will have no trouble finding. I have erased the traces.) " The king of fashion has no loved ." And there was her great uncle "," Fred Hagens room. The electrical Slim was an interlude and disappeared again. " Do not think twice it's allright ." Memories go with the wind. It is all a lie anyway. Only the motives remain: dark woods and crappy nostalgia, bad photos, and Jesus Piece, Roy Bean, and Lily Langtry , water cases. "The revolution never came ." After Basel I was never more. But this summer I am going to Rome. INSANE.

Everything has to do with anything. Woodruff and World Champion. Work and will. digestion and legacy . What turns and lurches in the first two texts is lashed. "All these years " and " AN EXCESS (Love is a sweet light) " (9 February 2010). One year. Not a step further. But the is the target: circular motion instead of progress: Spiral Dynamics. I go back to descend. The movement is wrong. Do not climb, but diving. Glide learn. That one also has the facility to practice. Exhaustion and rimmed eyes. It was not a good year. But the best I could do. I is an Other (has become). She knows where she belongs. Everyone wants to fly. "I'm a migratory bird." (on my way home). A moment of calm. Sunday rest. CU.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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BENHURUM NOTES (Lula is now Melusine) FROM: Perpetual is to showcase

Titled "For all flesh is as grass" BenHuRum up by 24.02. - 31.03. 2011 in the Frankfurter Gallery Perpetual out. With this installation, which he presents under the pseudonym Thomas Hartmann, he transformed the gallery space into a display case, push in the in baroque profusion sculptures from corrugated cardboard: scrub and mesentery, giant worms and fat pigs find meatless rifle men. Whether carnivore or vegan - lust of life in its fullness braces itself against the overwhelming transience. Everything is subject to the access of the ornamental profane material.
The opening is at 24.02. 2011 at 19.00 clock (Oppenheimer Str 39).

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Mr Defence Minister,

Allow me at this point a few times to get rid of thoughts:

I found your site today, just terrible. Not even because of the concurrent Federal Press Conference - shit happens. Although it as Medienopportunist really should know better than to upset the entire capital press including the two German news channel. But the nature of your appearance. This trivializing of the accusations. This order-pity-crave: "... it is over about seven years in addition to my professional activity as a young family members and father were in their painstaking efforts ..."
Well, you have even decided to finish a doctoral thesis. Like many others before you.
you also happen to be working and started a family. Sorry, I do not break out in tears if your terrible situation at the time, but I fear that even with this situation you are not the first. Incidentally, may I say that for one of my high school teachers' painstaking efforts "meant that he has spent the handouts from previous student papers as information?

My personal highlight of your speech: "I will create no other standard than I would have recognized in others." Why do not they just resigned? Given your current crisis management, in the number of "guilty" had always amazed me something that you stick so at their office. And yes, you emphasize that you have written your own work.

Very offensive to me comes across this part of your speech: "... People expect in this country that I requested to the secretary of defense at full strength take care and I can too. ... And I am responsible for the soldiers in action, such an event indicates to the present day even more sardonically "
Dear Mr. Minister. I can not bear to have a turn of the neck to the Minister is how democracy and someone. halted his little cross with you. I have also elected, I take out the right to criticize your work. And I take out the right to request that someone with such important issues as the stand-alone writing his dissertation, his word is not broken. The fact that campaign promises will be sacrificed, is unfortunately standard in political life, but this is a different caliber. And there is no Private matter, because not for nothing has a thesis to be published. In order to set the first of the scientific community. And if it is stupid, as in your case, even just the rest of the audience. You can not weglächeln as simple and temporarily use the new song (which is not more than window dressing the way). Very bitter, but I find that you want to use dead soldiers to divert attention from their "mistakes."

Yes, there is war in Afghanistan. Yes, dead soldiers, the economic crisis, the situation in the Arab world are all issues that are more important than the dirty work of a PhD. But you have decided to politicians be. They wanted to represent people who make a difference (The times I present to you now as motivation, you are welcome to correct me here). Then you have to live with the fact that you shines through a bit to see how the man behind the politician. What values are important to him? And your thesis shows currently rather that title you are more important than a word of honor. That appearances are more important than the truth. And in this view, I am still encouraged by your behavior.

If you come out unscathed from this thing if you can keep your PhD, then you should not celebrate a personal triumph. Because then you have a scientific center Germany buried. Then doctorate - in particular the University of Bayreuth - worthless. Then you have the work of all other students discredited. Because with all due respect, I do not believe in clerical, are to me too many inconsistencies in your work.

Be judged by your standards. Stand back. And if you want to come out halfway decently from the matter, return your doctorate. *


Lilli Belle

PS: The quotes of your speech (you can see this on the quotation marks), I have the time (Online Added on 02/18/2011 - 12:39 clock *) .

* Edit: This letter has been edited by me twice. The first time I've added the demand for the return of the title and the exact release date of the Times article. The second change was simple optical reasons, the identification of the editing in italics has been changed into a means star.