Monday, March 7, 2011

Make Someone Fall Asleep Shoulder

Frustration Hoppen

Since last week was terrible work technically easy, I tried on Saturday in frustration Hoppen.
Well, I have boosted the economy definitely, but somehow ...

let's hope that this week will be better, or I definitely need new bookshelves.

Pest Analysis Of Hair


morning swim before breakfast too I love. Otherwise I like sports. Up and running I can not force permanently. Ball sports are totally unsuitable for my underdeveloped coordination. But I'm glad my body. (Re such a false statement, for I am my body See:.. here ) My joints, tendons, muscles I wish mobile, stable and strong to get. Therefore, I'm doing yoga every day. But yoga is not a sport, even if the form-fitting version, which I prefer unfolded quite muscle-building effect. The Hanuman Yoga series for example, I have today carried out tomorrow, trained by seven minutes, quickly accomplished, "Sun Salutations" the cardiovascular system, strengthens almost all muscle groups of the body and then relax with stretching exercises.

The only sport, however, which gives me pleasure , is swimming. If I had a chance to swim in the immediate home environment, I used it daily. If a lie-abed passionate as I voluntarily get up at dawn in order to get tangled up physically, then that is a clear signal. Vacation days at the lake I start swimming. I love those very early hours when no one else is there. Before yoga I was this morning for half an hour swimming in the "wellness" of the hotel. Each pool, however, I draw from the lake. This right here, for example, of the bridge from I slide in the summer of 2009 every morning into the still water left.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Watch Bible Black Subtitled


Such a successful exhibition as "vis-à vis. From the halo to the LED" refers in the Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum in Bremen (in conjunction with the Roselius-Haus) a rare occurrence. The young museum director Frank Laukötter - since November last year in office - is that with this exhibition the courageous tradition of the house away. It is justly proud, was the world's first museum to be that of a dedicated artist.

for the exhibition (until April 3), the separation between Roselius House and Modersohn-Becker Museum repealed. In the 20 years, invited the Coffee Hag-inventor Roselius, who established the museum, the artist Bernhard Hoetger to work for him and to create new contexts for his collection of old works. For the current exhibition are artists have been invited to their own work in relation to the exhibits of both houses put up. The "Man of Sorrows" Lucas Cranach and a Pietà Tilmann Riemenschneider meet Klaus Effern "Jessy" (2009) and the self-portrait Modersohn-Becker, which imagines itself as a act pregnant, meets a variety of representations of the mother and the child. A lush, baroque leather wallpaper is covered over with wallpaper collages by Patricia Lambert from the 70s of last century. Melissa Boeger presents a stiff gold robe made of metal ornaments that appears in photographs as a garment of the artist by posing in front of art works from the Roselius-Haus. The body as being direct form of life is here against the symbolic body of the icons, as against the body of the consumable Pops.

The responsible by the curatorial team of Frank Laukötter, Verena Borgmann and Simone Ewald show rolls up its two museums in the cooper road to complete and provides a very worthwhile new view of the "old" works of collection as to Modersohn-Becker's modern interpretations of centuries-old themes.

(Do not go on Go! Save yourself a trip to Worpswede when the time is short. It falls very determined Nippes over. Go directly to the Cooper Street 6-10.)

Boston Butt On Big Green Egg In 6 Hours

PAULA Modersohn-Becker: WHAT IS DONE?

... AND WHEN MAN IS DONE? Hopefully never !..."

(from a letter to the family of May 27, 1900 )

Bernhard Hoetger: Tomb of Paula Modersohn-Becker Worpswede

"For I am anything else. How big or how small, I can not even say, but it is somewhat self-contained. This incessant showers for the goal, that's the best thing in life. Which is otherwise the same. That roar, I for myself, always, constantly, sometimes just resting, nachzubrausen to return to the objectives, to consider, I pray thee, if I sometimes appear liebearm. There is a focus of my strength to the One. "

(from a letter to the mother January 1906)

A morning in Worpswede. kitsch and art. Above all, the blur of Complacency. In between little apt. Coffee and cake. Odds and ends and art postcards. The culture seekers on futile treasure hunt. As deep as No spade. The hump of the farmers writhed all over the furrow free art. Blood on the sheets in childbirth nasty stank to high heaven. With festering, purulent wounds zerhäkselten body lying on the stretcher since 1914. (. We purposely overlooked) Since breaking a ray of sunshine from the past track: Children age happiness and wisdom. Garden chairs by pseudo-columns. Sadness and anger. The global village as a museum. Clips without miracles. Sarah Kirsch writes better poetry than to pat watercolors. Sorry. I'm in high spirits and completely ungracious. Chocolate Marzipan hits the big shots of humor. Rarely so smiled. I'm ready. Not at all.

Long White Strands In My Dogs Stool

Mariluz II

At the sight of Rose's little sister Mariluz the Great also had filed an urgent need.

The major auction house, I found a beautiful cotton velvet (of which I like even ordered a few yards extra, because I have it also urgently sew something for myself would like ...)

came when lining jacket finally a well-seasoned piece left embroidered fleece used and two remnant Viskosefutterstoff found their final destination in the two sleeves.

The Grand is happy, and mom can come the spring may be the next items on the to-do list turn!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Beginner Shifter Karts

JOBS (2): IC 2322

Carnival volatilities in the north
IC Frankfurt - Bremen is

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cedar Count Austin Tx

Doctors Diary

The finale was actually just as sweetly as could the whole season was. Rarely seen a series in which it has worked so consistently that the couple gets. Even if you could also packed in between a few large obstacles and stumbling blocks.

Let's start with the things to which I have disturbed:
Sabine Pass on the fridge: There is a connection error. You see before, as Marc start running from home that it holds the phone in his hand on the door, on his arrival at the hospital she has the ear. Yes, that's a minor thing, but it bothers me.

Mehdi and Gigi: Why did now sit on the plane? If you wanted to Kai Schuhmann give you a few lines of text, or what?

What did I like?
would be easiest to say it now: all the rest, but that would absolutely my favorite scenes are not fair ;-)

The song of tropical medicine: Very bad, very black. I would have liked to hear the other parts.

Dr. Sabine Gummersbach runs to and they "forced" him to to keep her. The two are just sweet.

Gabi was indeed a major role (and just as Gretchen in the season has behaved partially towards Sabine, I can understand that this dear Gabi wants as an advocate).

The brain postcard ;-) (In the scene where Marc is waiting for his coffee and Sabine watching cooking stuck to the cabinet a brain postcard I have that somewhere in my mess ;-).)

Anyway: How Marc Sabine " persuaded, "the letter already and now me, getting his reaction to her hiding place.

Marc and the little boy: The DVD is in fact one deleted scene, where you can see why they go to the Damenklo (at the men is busy).

"A Night with everything" - After repeated viewing by the way I would have wished that they had accompanied the night, in itself, with other sounds ...

that the happy ending has occurred, without the Marc had to say those famous three words.

at all like the whole airport scene - although incredibly beautiful - but also takes a lot for a ride: Little Britain, "Bora Dagtekin to the information desk," the clash from closing, so what makes for kitsch moments in other films. It was a hand like 1000 times but still made beautiful.

All in all a consequence, all of Marc and Gretchen fans (I find the formation Martch personally very horrible) would have made incredibly happy. BUT: It looked very end after the series. While there are still enough loose ends to knit another season of it. And I'm the first to agree that we should see normal couple scenes between the two - there is enough potential for conflict - but with the end could you stop completely. But have since voted to quotas and was expressed by RTL definitely be interested in another season, let's hope for the best.

Replacement Batteries For My Portable Dvd Player


My horoscope today pessimistic. "In the afternoon," predicted it, "you must realize that not everything you have in your hand. It could be that you have suffered a setback. "My mood, the prediction has been adjusted. Whenever I feel so and have my mp3 player there, I stöpsle the plugs in their ears and hear the Go Betweens . I'm not a fan-type, certainly not a groupie. Even as a football fan, I'm outside the stadium and beyond the 90 minutes of the game very moderate. The Go Betweens, but I look so much a part of my everyday life that you could compare it with even the veneer of fans who consider themselves good friends with their idols. My musical "awakening experience" I had with "The Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, David Bowie, then, of course, PUNK, PUNK, PUNK, later The Smith and The Fall.

The Go Betweens
but I mean more than any other. In their music I had never einhören me. She was always there, right there where I wanted to or had already or was or where I came from. Of course, it also played a role, that they were no mere boy-band, but played the drums Lindy Morrison and Amanda Brown, violin. (A little bit of my thoughtless joy reflected in this situation my former naivete regarding your own situation. When they parted, Grant McLennan and Robert Forster made the among themselves. Morrison, Brown learned only later from the decision. My friend S. says: "So we thought we were, we play with equal rights in truth we were playing... their songs. ") Probably, there was always a rivalry between McLennan and Forster, both gifted songwriter, fascinated by text and pictures, well read, skurrill, enigmatic. They created for the Go Betweens, a catchy sound, but always remained "on the edge" in a relaxed posture and melodic harmony rests and surreal images included Robert Forster was the type that I felt attracted to, much closer.: the dark, brooding. But it was always a peculiar way McLennan caused by disguised melancholy merriment, from those songs that touched me the most: Right Here .

I read that they are regarded as "one of the most underrated bands. Well, "us" they were not. In the 80 years, the Go Betweens, one of the most important bands for almost everyone with whom I had closer contact. "Spring Hill Fair ( Five words) and" 16 Lovers Lane ( Streets of your town ) were albums that had everyone have r. That they separated hurt. In retrospect, this separation of a band that I loved, at the end of 1989 for me with a sharp turning point in their lives. This is of course a coincidence. Or not. In 2000 she applied for a decade break out again a brilliant album, "The Friends of Rachel Worth ( He lives my life ) Forster had lived in the deep forest near Regensburg (since he was with the German musician. Karin Baumler was together), while Grant McLennan had included, inter alia, " Easy come easy go " back in Queensland. " Oceans Apart", released in 2005, her last album. In May 2006, Grant was found dead in his home in Brisbane. He was only 48 years old.

feel on days like today I very strongly how much I'd like Grant McLennan could still write some songs and import. Forster plays like a well already in the 90s, solo albums. "The Evangelist " is an album that I like. But I miss Grant McLennan's quieter voice. Robert Forster was always the more prominent, more visible. McLennan could be heard in a very delicate and tender vulnerability and melancholy way, can not so "sophisticated" to come along, as in Robert Forster is sometimes the case. McLennan played with gentle irony, where Forster was also ever sarcastic. They had probably not always easy each other. But they did each other well -.. Magic in here "and the songs they played for us on days like this, I hear it is not all good but it feels a bit better at.

song lines of McLennan / Forster inspire any text for " Melusine featuring Armgard .

Submissionholds By Women

Web 2.0

am now total 2.0.
And what can I say?

face book on my nerves after two days total and Twitter, I find some way cute.

How To Get Rid Of 10 Month Baby Cold



.... Posted NH

From Friday, 4th March 2011, 8:30
The meeting was canceled. This date is in the past.

Time: Thursday, 3rd March 2011 17:30
Required: Division I-VII
Location: dancing in the house

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Edible Wrapping Paper Dogs

(VER) clothing. The inside of the mask

" Participants in the street and visited the city transformed into a giant mask. The critical observer sitting in the stands and the prizes for the best masks distributed to the dancers. The mask turners are on holiday ... "

on my answering machine is a message:" I know you do not like Fasching. But dressing up perhaps. A covering party for Carnival muffle? . Call me "The friend reveals the recall, has already dressed, and the description is vague: a forest fairy-wood sprite costume, greenery, ivy, bark, ruffle. .. I do not like "Oweia" No, "I say," Sorry, "she laughs," I'm in the costume front of the computer, you know, and think: Here is the Schrat sits in the forest and writes of Quantenpyhsik.

" What the critics are concerned, of watching in the stands, he will resist the temptation need to be carried away by the dance rhythm on the road to climb down and take part in the carnival in costume of the critic. "

" You should dress you do not. "said Aunt Grete . . God sees you as you really are, "I thought: Then it's good. But I said nothing. Only led to further conflict with teachings. She knew of and knew exactly what God wants. Carnival said the pastor wants God in any event. "We do not celebrate Mardi Gras. This is Catholic. "Catholics pray to idols. Davor should the true Christian guard. My father said, "God is not interested in guarantees for the garbage." My mother bought us Indians and cowboy costumes. "But you go out to the back entrance so no one sees you." My assignment was to take care that my brother did not kill us. The Depp had around for a Zündplättchenpistole and shot like a wild man at the inn to Linde, where the great children's party took place. The whole time I sat in on hot coals, because I was afraid that we uncovered and tells on someone with Aunt Peg.

You can not not represent, I had written . As always you up shewing dressed, dressed undressed, dressed, you are presenting re-something, maybe you. Me. I can not represent, I know. I wanted to be (k) a squaw. I loved Karl Mays Winnetou books. When we played cowboys and Indians, "said my cousin," The Squaw stays home and cooks. "Then the cowboys raided the camp and the squaw was tied to the stake until it freed her heroic strain. No, I wanted to be a squaw, but an Indian woman. That the hunt goes dead with Cowboys and crawls through the grass in order to free the hostages. "Why do not you disguise yourself as an Indian or a cowboy?" Asked my mother when I told her my Sorry for complaining. "I will not always be tied to the stake." I'm not a man Why do I say that? She knows that. I want to become one. I want to be a woman who strikes with his fist.

"If one has turned round a single mask, they all are, as always, looks like its hierarchy, as no-longer-made masks available."

nudism, also I have written is unerotic. be nude. Not disguise the way I am. I am. I like my body. The sentence is wrong. Because: My body - that's me. With him I am the same. Not with my thoughts, my feelings, my actions. I am my shoulders, my arms, my breasts, my waist, my hips, my thighs, my knees, my feet. A relaxed body is there for anyone who is just. This is beautiful and makes me happy. But we see only in the mirror. One can not not represent. My body - the body a woman. I and me. No going back to his side of the mirror stage. Confined to self-image, a node that can be solved only love. I will be different.

"The inversion of the mask changes its place: it is no longer the face, but in the hands."

She dresses. When she was young, she usually wore trousers. Jeans, corduroy pants, even overalls (but not purple!). Baggy sweater. One can not not represent. I'm not a girl (more). No dummy. I am that does something. I am what I am doing. Look, what I can. Yes, I can. Making. When she became a mother, her messy. Kotze on the blouse. All easy to clean. Gummizughosen. Abomination: I supply. I function. I hold on. I - not. Today you meet them outside the home of almost solely in skirts. Costumes, ladylike. But the nails are still chewed. The shoes with stable, non-flat heel. Appropriate and a little chic. Unremarkable. I am a woman. The what. And what is white. And what. Doubts and calls and gives in and laughs. One can not not represent.

"With the gesture of the mask is tacking all sense of history lost, but not necessarily the meaning of life. On the contrary, can play with the story itself are the meaning. While in the ministries, program that the carnival this meaning is often not noticed them. But the gesture of the mask allows tacking, look closely to see behind the gesture of meaning. "

I dance. As a squaw. At the stake. I walk. This. Across. Up. I fall. Down. Into it. As a mother. When your wife. In love. In vain. As a friend. In all roles. I gesticulate wildly. logic. Lie. Libido. Auto .

All quotes from :
Vilém Flusser: gestures. Attempt a phenomenology, Fischer Taschenbuch 1997 (here: the gesture of the mask Wenders)

Brookstone Helicopter Directions


Before it, three episodes, which I discuss, here sometimes rush through the last two.

Mer alone in the emergency room
One of my favorite episodes this season. First, because the series finally lived up to its name again ;-) And second, because Mer was just the beginning of my favorite character. Once again we saw that Mer remains calm in a crisis and tried to calm the people. And even if you have it noted the stress a bit, it remained the patients to calm. Other than that I was in the episode too little Derek, but we are already accustomed to. Quite positive, I find that this baby does not Triangle was mentioned. One of the highlights but the dialogue between Mer and Christina, as she explains to her how many people would die, so Christina Callies gets baby. And get the chances, however Mers baby ;-)
Therefore, as I said, one of the best episodes.

Mer lose their sight
still was in this episode a great deal of care (haha: pun!) Set to Mer, which I think is basically very good. And Mer and Der could spend a few more scenes together. The eyesight thing: It surprised me a little that she has inaugurated Alex and asked him to investigate them, but probably it was because he has just noticed in the house. When she asked by the gynecologist is to sell the funds, so they will take the last two tablets too. Can I track total, would be my thought. (I get of ACC acute such as mad headache, but help to me really against the cough, so I take it quite the headache to purchase.)

Cristina and Owen: Although I would like to own children, I am also here at Christina's page. Apart from the fact that this indeed would be a subject quite what you talk in front of a wedding. Of course I can understand Owen that he wants a decision right, but I find the assumption that Christina will change your mind at some point, a little complacent (it does not quite fit to what I mean is, but the already close). And since I am in relation to Owen still not hundred percent convinced that it is good for Christina ... Although I funnily Christina can very well imagine as a mother.

The baby-Triangle: annoying.

Lexie and Jackson: Istmiregal. (But women in American series can not be just for a long time [lucky] singles?)

Adele: I actually always liked her very much, because it has detected an awful lot very early. However, I have not on the hospital bed as dementia. Can we contact you a simple tumor Miss, which is operable and from which they recovered completely? On a longer Alzheimer's storyline to Adele, I would not really buck.

Alex, and the gynecologist: Shall the gynecologist the replacement Izzie? Will not work. I did not like Izzie, quite the gynecologist, but would not yet see.

Bailey was kind of out of it, right?

Conclusion: Not as good as the week before, but okay.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can I Place My Fondue Pot Allclad On The Stove


Yeah! Exactly, a feminist, I would have liked: smart, fit, strong, independent, passionate, feminist. " feminism is not sexy! feminists hate sex, men, cocks. Penetration violence." ( And I want just that! Oh. Shit.) PorNO tried. Alice Schwarzer, whose merits I would not diminish, more recently, the puritanical anti-loss image of the feminist by to thwart cooperation with Germany's leading zeigefreudigem tit-men-Archloch Journal PICTURE. This is wrong of course. As much can not be extended Kai Dieckmann's penis, a newspaper that under his leadership cares about the needs of women, rather than continuing to use the clichéd dreams rather clumsy men. Who has something to offer to little, must imagine the object of desire small, stupid and dumb. It is obvious, or is in the pants.

I still want a feminism that is sexy. This is hard, but exciting: "What I like about bringing feminism and sexuality together is that each term challenges the complancencies in the other. People who want to get rid of sexuality for the sake of their feminist politics and people who want to get rid of feminism so they can feel good about sex are choosing artificial comfort over the uneven path of conflict. I love that your book sharpens, rather than dulls, the edge between justice and desire. ", Jane Gallop writes in the preface to the published by Merri Lisa Johnson anthology " Jane Sexes it up True confessions of feminist desire. " If (want to) write about women reflected their desire, they can only with the knowledge to live in a society with patriarchal tradition in order to sharpen it: in a "rape culture ". That the woman sexually the man to whom it belongs, to be available has is a deep-rooted in this society roles, which was until not so long ago is reflected in the legislation on marital rape. . For all women, it is difficult to put up so apart, how much influence upon this role understanding their own sexual pleasure and sexual fantasies early as 1999, said Susie Bright: "How do you reconcile feminism (or what ever you choose to call your convictions about sex and gender) with the more traditional feminine roles, behaviors, fantasies, positions, and exclamations that you may engage in (and perhaps even enjoy) in the bedroom? " That's a weird question, because it requires the feminists, they rationalize their lust. It also does not work then. The question must be prior to all self-censorship, shame and guilt are permitted: What I like about sex? Of these women tell in this book. The open answer this question in the context in which we live is dangerous because the answers are manipulated (can), women's roles and positions (once again) to be added. Our fantasies are the product of social norms and traditions, yes. But they also that which we form and use are able to arm us to allow more freedom, desire and passion for each.

Who is Jane? It is the same Jane, the "reflective" I, has set its own authorial legitimacy and, as a Jane, which combines with the other Janes that I which is not an authority and identity based, but subsumed in the fullness of the series and the sequence. A female self that the line between rationality and emotion simply does not recognize, but his chance in space sucht.

„The figure of Jane sexing it up“ as I am using it here embodies a specific form of feminist writing that weds resistance with joy to create a sexuality that pleases and a world we can live in. Jane – this co-mingling of playfullness and effrontery – is Cathy when she introduced her poem about masturbation to the gatekeeper of her profession without flinching, and Jane is me admiring Cathy and her poem. Jane is the prepubescent girl I once was, masturbating in the basement shower long after the water ran cold, and Jane is her shame when daddy banged on the bathroom door with a bellow. Jane is, finally, the dialog between that doubtful sexual naif still crouching inside many grown women and the mature self-ownership and sexually confident women we aspire to be. Jane is the conflict. And the gee. (Jane Hocus, Jane Focus, Merri Lisa Johnson).


No Experience Cover Letter

Without words

Are you one of those people who believe that life sometimes satirized a bad novel?

A woman leaves the afternoon, the apartment together. After eleven years of relationship it needs not many words. A fleeting kiss, a muttered "I love you." The woman closes the door behind him.

later hours, but rather than hoped for, they will return. Something is different. She opens the living room door and finds her great love and a strange woman. Naked. On her birthday sofa.

takes over the shock, the inoculated good education in command. Hands are shaken, it is intended.

"So you learn even even know. So far they have the voice on the phone and now ..." The view looks down from above. Slowly penetrates the absurdity of the situation disbelief.

"But You do not get this afternoon said that you love me, "

This is not always well received, neither the naked woman on her birthday sofa - a hysterical." when what you have done "
him yet!?? He breaks into tears and asks indignant and accusatory, whether they (the pulled) because could not understand how difficult it is to love two women ...

The birthday sofa will probably soon fall victim to a ritual burning.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Carrot Oil Lotion Tan

JOBS (1): Café Karin

Dienstag, 01.März 2011 

White Cottage Cheese In Knickers


I know Nachtreten just not done, but rarely heard such a complacent resignation speech. No insight, no remorse, instead the media to blame for bad and he never wanted to media darling be. Once again he has been hiding behind the dead soldiers and for his successor already in terms of all armed forces reform under way. No, how great.

But do not have the size to allow live images.

I hope to be, never-bye, Mr. Guttenberg.

Edit: Here there is the issue for future reference.

Cruise Spot San Antonio


"Rose's are who I am pairs: each petal fold, yoking
but I find stamps and pollen,
phytisch Gechlecht only one."

(Christine D'Haen: O Caro Lactea)

A review of BenHuRuM

in the gallery Perpetual, Frankfurt London: here.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Which Isthe Best Concealer For Indian Complexion

Buddha today? 2

Many people here in the "West" are only too happy to hear wonderful stories from the Orient and to believe. Then come all sorts of messages, wisdom, and even learn from another, unknown to us, parts of the world. Since I read books to me are in this genre already writings on Yoga, Sufism, shamanism, nature religions, cults, ghosts and demons of natives of distant lands and islands, not least of Vedic scriptures and Buddhism meet.

more or less freely and unencumbered suffer from the current problems in which these messages in their countries of origin, I have this with thousands of other "Westerners" in our relatively cozy, with plenty of material goods equipped world took note. In all that we were there for the last few decades would be to take too much, so I will confine myself to Buddhism.

is readily available in this country is a lama, a monk, a Zen master, a guru or whatever seems to be associated with the Buddhist traditions related to spontaneously bring a lot of attention, respect and devotion towards. Thus the members of someone I know, in the context of Tibetan Buddhism standing group in jest the concept of "Tibetans worship" was invented, because all visitors and members passed in awe when turned up a Tibetan, no matter if this is a Rinpoche, Lama, or even a simple Laie was.

The same phenomenon also affects the other traditions. In Zen I have seen only from a relative distance. Even with friends of the Theravada tradition rich robes like a robe or a gown, and Asian languages often sufficient to impress everyone. Even German and other European "masters" blind successfully with the claim appropriate "authorization" of mostly already deceased teachers and lineage holders get to have.

In Cologne, there was a great young Burma "monk" named Sopaka a long time, the Theravada impressed people from the area and even some Burmans. In Cologne, it was some time "Center" held for disposal. Roughly speaking, a Asian wraps himself in the relevant substance, which is rudimentary familiar with Buddhism, and an exotic foreign language, may influence in Germany and make sure in other European countries, a rapid rise.

What all these champions, role models, abbots, monks and so do not expect is that the first so start blinded studies isolated source to operate and become familiar with the Pali canon, and even study the Vinaya (the monastic rules). These "forbidden" studies show then, that not only the blending of gullible Europeans against the "rules" does, but also long and eagerly Customs has maintained from the Theravada countries, a far cry from the original meaning. Also, the rules often apply only areas where they are useful and in places where they require effort and honesty, they are overlooked easily.

The latter I will describe the example of the monk U Uttara. A few years ago I was introduced to these monks of Burmans. He spoke good English and gained wide recognition from those living in Germany Burmans. He was / is a founding member, and also named the first chairman of the newly founded association Buddha Sasana Ramsi.

This monk was looking after the founding association with space and room to build a temple, what was, after some time with donations of money and a lot of volunteer help, especially the Burmans succeeded. In the time of the construction of this temple was found that the monk U Uttara a tight ship and led the club ever gets to determine who represents the temple, and that club and heads. For me, as Europeans, nothing special, that a monk leads a club, although I am curious about the club's management a bit surprised. To make a long story, the monk accepted for years until May 2010 Donation of Burma and other temple visitors who used them for travel transactions and strange. He bullying everyone, including other monks, not him enough were shown and where there was a risk that they might have their own opinions. Ultimately, his club and temple leadership led to the Burmans quarreled and split into several camps, none of which was able to run the temple remains. The newly established temple was pointed out temporarily abandoned.

Here is the current home of the monk and one of his employees.

text on this site are, in contrast to the past, only to Burmesisch.

The photographs Burmans in the slide show below originate from earlier times and are linked to the home page. They will probably suggest that there is still a lively and gives the monk devoted community.

slideshow of photos from 2009

From the perspective of ancient Buddhist monastic rules as I understand it looks like this:

The monks are the Sangha and the laity take care of the housing and the material welfare of the monks. The monks may indeed express wishes, but did not intervene actively in the work of the laity. In other words, a monk can not and should not be a club board . A layman can not and must not interfere in Sangha affairs. If now to disregard the rules by example the monk to meet him brought respect to the expansion of its own abuses of power, then problems arise. Lay people can and can not really object to the monks, which is fine if the monks limit according to their training and their vow to focus on the spiritual. Unfortunately, contrary to lay their monks also do not break when they pretty much all the rules or the discretion to use pragmatic for their own political purposes.

like I also know from politics, in which certain "authorities" simply all the rules, more or less obvious, can break at will to enforce its goals of eliminating competitors and exercise power over others.

Leica Televid 77 Camera Adaptor


The colleague has a birthday of Schatziherzi (no, not that she calls him) get an iPhone. And says the whole day. And amazed. And is enthusiastic.

colleague ... It's almost like such a small minicomputer. In your pocket.
Lilli Belle: And yet it is an even sold as a phone.
colleague: No, that is not a phone. This is an Iphone!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dbz Bulma Boob Episond 6

PYGMALION PUNK (10): Asger Jorn

continuation of the epistolary novel: Punk Pygmalion (1-9 Here: )

the last letter of Ansgar at Emmi from December 1983, I figured over a month in the blog. I could make many excuses why I have the publication of the letters until interrupted. The truth is that I needed time to deal with my conflicting feelings. My friend Emma had me passed in November 2010, a shoe box full of letters to it in the mid 80s Ansgar, a Punk from Copenhagen, wrote. Emmi, who had just separated from her husband , met Ansgar again a little later after more than 20 years ago and the old passion inflamed. What Emmi band so hard to Ansgar, not revealed to me these letters. The possessive tone Ansgar and the memory of the eerie transformation of the young Emma after meeting with him rather frightened me to indefinite way. other hand, showed me these letters, however much Ansgar had come by his feelings for Emma then out of kilter.

Emmis breathless protestations on the phone, as she was happy with Ansgar, could not resolve my discomfort. I waited to see her again, face to face. Last week we met in Kassel to a "Sleeping Beauty weekend. When Emma got in Kassel-out of the ICE, I hardly recognized her again. She looked younger by several years, so alive and sparkling. Ansgar, who made the 17 year old in the 80's to dark punk produced, this time apparently the reverse effect: from the careworn Mitvierzigerin was a jubilant beaming become lovers.

Dangerous Kissing
We enjoyed the weekend, but we talked less about Ansgar, as I had hoped. Emmi seemed to have no need for it and I found it difficult as they used to ask directly. Only at parting, she asked me: "Do not listen to to publish the letters. And please, let it go this time well. "She pulled before they boarded the train, a book from her bag. "He sent me then for my birthday." In the picture book that she gave me, put a black and white photography the Little Mermaid , stood on the back. "This is my favorite: Asger Jorn. Show: 117 Dangerous Kissing. . Jeg elsker dig "

At home, I sought out the letter, which was part of this gift:

March 1984

love Emmi,

birthday I am sending you under separate cover (because it is cheaper) a book of my favorite painter Asger Jorn. I know you like art. Jorn will like if you do not know it yet. Unfortunately, not all images in color. Try to imagine it. We are the originals seen together in Silkeborg, I promise you, if you come in summer, and will you come, you know, Emmi?

I do not want you to write such stuff as: "When I was 18 ..." Blah blah blah ... Enjoy it. I wish I could be with you. I have decided to cancel the study. I've already written, is not it? For weeks I was no longer there. My father has no more rent. No idea how to go further. But I'm working on a sculpture. I found a stone mason, I can cut the night in his hall.

Damn, Emmi, I like your poems, you will always be crazy and that's what I like. I am still on a cassette for you so you understand what I mean, with the Sex Pistols, Siouxsie and Bandshees, ok.?

I hear all the time "Berlin" and think of you, I am sending you too, "Transformer". His voice, you're right, is very special. You wrote that you especially "Sad Song " like, but, Emmi, I can hardly stand this song. As follow you their pain and love? - And above all, how do you endure that he is not crying or screaming or anything? It seems so cruel to hear his calm, cool voice that tells of suicide and that it must continue, but why? Is it the drugs that make him so inhuman, or is he so unhappy that he no longer can feel? And just want to survive? (Sometimes, when I long for you, I hear myself "Sad Song" to sing, but I do not then remember that I'm on.) Naughty You. Do not you feel me?

you want me to you by my Sculpture write, but I can not do today. I have swallowed a lot of dust when working. It's like I'm suffocating, but I do not know if it is the stone or your cold, that you do not go, but write so smooth letters. You say you love me, but I can feel it when you do not want to be with me.

With whom do you celebrate? Please, Emmi, write me soon!


you scroll through the photo book I remembered how I by Emmi in the year before graduation, the Art for me discovered. Our trip to Paris during the Easter holidays 1984, written just after the high school, where we visited an exhibition about the Situationists. How I was shocked when I saw a photo of Jorn . "Looks like a twin of your Ansgar." I said. Emmi nodded. "If he were a punk." "Why did you not go to Copenhagen?" Emma shrugged. "In the summer."

Best Friend Quote For Picnik


A new contribution to the series "Men Species-appropriate entertainment "

is particularly important to adapt the design of the enclosure-age development. If the room dimensions, it may well be advised to use outsourcing in basements or side buildings. The defuse potential conflicts by smell and noise pollution.

As a redundant and overpriced, the trend emerged to design more complex issues and experiences. The adolescents are quite satisfied with used furniture and toys. Much more important from an educational point of view appears to involve the residents in the design and have them experience their self-efficacy.

Customised enclosure with sports equipment
The self-designed and - clean enclosure like in equipment and state of preservation is not always the meet requirements of the supervisors, but this is with regard to the development of social and personal skills to accept, which can be strengthened only by independent action. Again and again the choice of game and entertainment equipment will ensure irritation. Surveys have shown, however, that the equipment is required with at least two TV sets (see picture) by a majority of the residents.

TVs for practicing multi-tasking skills
in the modern world of work often required multi-tasking is here practiced in a playful way. While interacting socially means of one device (X-Box games, example: Batman Arkham Asylum), with the help of other current issues at the same time (example: Sex and Gender, Two and a Half Men) are processed.

is also a species-appropriate supply of hygiene products (currently in vogue: Dark Temptation), beverages (Magic one juror Hofer Hefeweizen grapefruit) to respect and food (tacos, kebabs, chips, chips, crisps) . be pointed

however important to note that a welfare organization of the exhibit also developed a strong attraction for outsiders. The use of the enclosure is then limited, we will not on its own brood. Overcrowding and premature wear can result. must

Ultimately between caregivers and residents, the conditions for use of the enclosure, so the experience shows are always renegotiated.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Old Fashioned Girdles

Under the sea ...

you Take but a few minutes ...

Especially the tiny red-white blast cancer has done to me - the guy is just two inches tall and is constantly on the building!
And the boxer crab, but strongly reminiscent of a cheerleader, as there herumwedelt anemones with their tufts.
And of course the two Clownie who have for several weeks now finally discovered that an anemone is ready just for you!
And ... anyway I think Pele's entire nano-reef project just great!

Can Sony Bravia Be Used As Media Centre Extender?


I could not sleep last night. What is not in my insomnia was more or less cyclical, but because I was freezing. Despite a thick wool sweater over the sleeping T-shirt, thick socks, over the blanket from the living room above the normal quilt and the thicker quilt again and objective 20 degrees in the bedroom.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Troubleshooting Aquarius Dishwasher Dwf40


because you are as hardened nu, and you like the easy list,
Sun lasz I will weather the sake and I will be happy like silent
Kaspar Stieler: Geharnschte Venus

The air was nebulous. The elf shivered in the morning. A weather moved on, she suspected. Outside the gates, where the Wildermuth's blood soaked the ground, they wanted to meet the messengers of their people. They swelled the nostrils and smell the forest. Wicker Park she rubbed her cheek against the bark of old oak. Deceitfully as a hand reached into her thigh. "The Cross", it whispered in her ear and she recognized the voice of the king. "You yourself ..." With his teeth, he bit through the chain on her neck. The mark slipped down between her breasts. "Crowed three times already on the roof of the tin rooster. Return the changeling out. "He dug deeper into her flesh. "Waide me ..." You could smell the musty tree moss, and awaited the event. "My son." "You know the word." Exposed, they knew their lives were nervous in front of him. "Comes along ...." A thunderstorm wind tore down the last sprouting grass.

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"I was sure to believe so arrogant that I manage to square the circle, "said Guttenberg. He wanted to reconcile his duties as a politician and a young family man with the challenges of a doctoral thesis." I was obviously overwhelmed with it. "
(Source:. mirror-online, 02/23/2011,, 1518,747280,00 html)

my PhD, I had as a young mother (the oldest son was eighteen months old at the start, the youngest just born), accompanied by a second degree and without the Support of a man's house or house staff written. The young father had aushäusig earn full time money for rent, clothes, food. I won a scholarship that allowed me to once a week to pay for a few hours an older lady who takes care for my sons while I was writing. Otherwise, I used the nights and mornings when the one asleep and the other in the crèche was. My older son was born prematurely and needed at the beginning of his life an elaborate gymnastic therapy. The younger one was sleeping in the first nine months, never longer than two hours at a time. He had only to my body calm down. The worst thing in those years, I remember, was the sleep deprivation.

one that I will never forget the night I was exhausted on the floor in the bathroom and his head leaning against the cold tiles. I was sure never to rise again. Somehow it still went on and on. Three years it took to complete the doctorate. Incidentally, I began a clerkship, and laid a little later the second state exam. I cried a lot in those years, too much laughter. Every day and thought: I can not do it. I was an overworked wife. I made many mistakes, 'm insufferable, hectic, hysterical been.

When I read Guttenberg excuses, I need to puke.

(Not really, only metaphorically. But is this the one size too small, too stupid to dishonor for me My girlfriend says: "You're too tough You can not seriously of one. require to be the minister wants that he is just as powerful as a young mother. "There she is of course right .*)

* I do not mean the sexist. There are very tough men.

Milena Velba At The Bus

Quotations ...

... out of context:

"But on average, are not you good, right?"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

After The Stomach Flu

I can not let it

Before I lose due to overload or my overview of the sources and the subject temporarily, I stress temporarily *, let rest, a few observations on Causa Guttenberg:

- The fact that Guttenberg's grandfather written a book titled "Footnotes," is a certain irony. That just (? Missing from the article in the Süddeutsche 02/23/2011 / 17:06 clock unfortunately an accurate date on the case) a soldier demoted because of plagiarism in a thesis, it is necessary that happen a little bitter.

- At this point I wanted to write something bad to the University of Bayreuth, because of that they still make it a little easy, a PhD without the announced test simply take away and if they did not feel that work may be read (but for the first time). But I have just read ( Süddeutsche, 24.02.2011 / 5:00 clock) that is still being examined further whether intent.

- I continue to be the results of all surveys incomprehensible: As with the research institutes (and if you will, at FIG), the poll numbers per Guttenberg well over 50% if I in any online survey exactly the opposite picture FIND? And the forums / comments from the various news websites that I have flown, are mostly against Guttenberg. Does that really only affine network of academics and journalists against the lies of Baron are? Admittedly not a representative survey (20 people) showed a pro-Guttenberg candidates in the circle and two Known by friends that are Guttenberg.

- Very nice also the discussion with the Pro-Guttenberg-friend:
.. I do not want to withdraw the lie that he and all but as long as he does his job well. "
- "So you'll see that he does his job well?" - "That I can not judge."
final argument will always (all but the lie). Unfortunately I am one of those people who might suspect that the politicians do not always all right with things going, but are totally opposed, proven by a liars and cheats to be governed. And if you have approached the job takes, you should also have arguments. The discussion was rather frustrating, however.

- the way I am also pro-withdrawal-Merkel. After she was I let's say benevolent neutrality was established (it is difficult to have an opinion against someone who has no opinion), it is now back where they started **. Well, actually mean. And I decided this time to be with her very unforgiving.

* Free to the various "apology speech" of KTvuzG and temporary means here probably until his dismissal / resignation. What can obviously take a while.
** First, it was just in the wrong party, but then they Biederman to Mr. Bush on Iraq war. Was not so good.

Veggie Tales Loaves And Fishes

POOL-SHOCK (A town without a train brought you home again)

The blog novel continues. This time: POOL-SHOCK. (A town without a train brought you home again)

Upstream and our Stand Star
under one sky
A cabin once stood
where we now
The sister grew up under trains. The rest to the sea. In water, they saw one. Dark. Was it a mistake? The Lord of Hell. Tom tom. The Melusine singing again in the Indian Ocean, from the sister, who sang with the others and sank. Not with her lover, after whom it is distorted, not the father of her sons, but ... Who is this Karim? The play a riff, which she smashes on the drums: come come come come . Karim is dead He died two weeks later on the way to the Neuglobsow Stechlinsee, where he led the Dark Knight. The revenge of the betrayed seducer?

Synopsis so far: here.
not forget is all fiction .
Also: Melusines are no Undine - Limnology