Wednesday, March 2, 2011

No Experience Cover Letter

Without words

Are you one of those people who believe that life sometimes satirized a bad novel?

A woman leaves the afternoon, the apartment together. After eleven years of relationship it needs not many words. A fleeting kiss, a muttered "I love you." The woman closes the door behind him.

later hours, but rather than hoped for, they will return. Something is different. She opens the living room door and finds her great love and a strange woman. Naked. On her birthday sofa.

takes over the shock, the inoculated good education in command. Hands are shaken, it is intended.

"So you learn even even know. So far they have the voice on the phone and now ..." The view looks down from above. Slowly penetrates the absurdity of the situation disbelief.

"But You do not get this afternoon said that you love me, "

This is not always well received, neither the naked woman on her birthday sofa - a hysterical." when what you have done "
him yet!?? He breaks into tears and asks indignant and accusatory, whether they (the pulled) because could not understand how difficult it is to love two women ...

The birthday sofa will probably soon fall victim to a ritual burning.


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