Friday, December 31, 2010

Sample Permission Travel Letter

Last but not least ... Cathedral Windows! Apple Walnut Caramel Cake

This year started with a technical sewing pillows and so it is only right, it also ends with a pillow.

On so many ideas I would never even come. How well that as my love vanree indicates to me on many occasions has set one or the other flea in his ear sewing enthusiasts. Sometimes my first reaction is to such spontaneous fleas from defensive, because I can not imagine that I could ever be bored enough to SOWAS itself into action.

Quilts sew part of it, for example. Free motion quilting or with the machine ... yeah, these fleas have pricked me especially persistent until I finally ventured out. However

had this cushion is not quite so difficult to act this year than last SEWING impose on me.

The idea and the right tutorial I got shown here.

And while we're on our Christmas present yesterday - in the form of a cozy little beds - had brought the big blue of Sweden, the course required URGENTLY for a particularly beautiful pillow, my initial resistance was broken soon ...

one from the front ...

... here are the back

And with the pillows, I have also realized the first time to my project, colorful fabrics to combine with white and I like it very well!

At this point, therefore, a big thank you to my dear Stipplequeen, for all the interesting links that you send me over and the crazy ideas that you infizierst me!

... Oh, and by the way - what I folds in the face while lying on the pillow Parade get me TO-TAL does not matter!


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