Monday, December 27, 2010

Salad Dressing Seven Seas Creamy Italian


... or "X reasons why will become of me never a master baker" ...

Beautiful Cookbooks are a special treat. For viewing, reading and bring an appetite. Even if you cook only rarely thereafter. And just as it is with great Baking books. Also something very fine. And in my case, then these books are even used now and again actually.

My heart's children have given me for Christmas one baking book Mrs Barcomi.
I LOVE these books, had they been given away but only, instead of time to retain one.

After two days browsing and note stuck-between-the-side-clamp, there was now the most full-bodied apple-walnut-caramel cake ... er, actually more of a cake ... at least for my humble pie understanding.

And now to the enumeration of the above-mentioned reasons

a) I have no Patience. A cake has to fix stirred together and yet are impressive and staggering - a 3-hour action followed by a 1-hour kitchen cleaning, which is nothing for me. At least not for every day.
b) How do you get a smooth butter cream? Huh? So smooth is something else than what I was allowed to spread on my cake ... and it was the butter is really soft ...
c) I need clear information regarding the ingredients. Back when my ambitions have stalled at the moment, if I want to send my husband to shop and to me is very fundamental questions, like "cheese? What for a fresh cheese?" - Then passes me the desire for home-made, culinary delights quite quickly again.
And again: cream cheese? Yes, please what for a cream cheese? In fresh cheese shall run a lot, for example, cottage cheese, ricotta, Philadelphia, mascarpone, cottage cheese ...
d) frustration: Why do my cakes NEVER like this, like the woman in Barcomis books? (I mean, apart from the fact that my cream is not smooth, but has more similarity with cottage cheese.) How she manages only to stir caramel sauce into cream cheese and cream after the cream is still snow white?
e) Barcomi wife insists that we should disregard any of its data or change the ... I find quite hard to ... ahem ...

... but good. Despite all these reasons, the result was still quite tasty, even if it was not as pretty as the original mixer Barco.

The caramel sauce I used had touched two days ago - EXTRA for this cake! - And the cake is delicious without REALLY!

Ah, yes ... we pay attention to calories and then again next year: O)


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