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Wikileaks: China pays Nepal arrests Tibetan refugees

pictures: Tibetan border towns of Nepal

China puts pressure on the Government of Nepal to stop Tibetan protests against Beijing-looking in their territory. As is evident from one of Wikileaks published
Depeche U.S., China is also its financial strength to pay for the Nepalese police to ensure that they are arrested members of the exile community. In

published by the Whistle-blower site says an unnamed messages Source of the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi always assumed that "the Chinese government, the armed forces reward of Nepal that it offers border guards financial incentives on the run from China located Tibetans to arrest and surrender".

The U.S. State Department entitled "Diary of Delhi" by the U.S. Embassy sent notice, which was classified as confidential, including a statement about the Tibetan refugees, which is the source of the embassy members had made on 4 February.
Wikileaks, the more than 250,000 American diplomatic dispatches published the names of the persons mentioned as the source has been removed.
The number of Indian soil enter be Tibetans has fallen steadily since Beijing demanded from Kathmandu to intensify patrols Nepalese border troops to prevent Tibetans from coming to Nepal, as shown by the dispatch which also myrepublica online, the Website of the Nepalese newspaper Republica, which has been published indicate.
This is to reduce the number of Tibetans arriving in India was "since the popular uprising in Tibet has fallen significantly from 2008.

live in Nepal some 20,000 Tibetans in exile, and since the riots in Lhasa in 2008, there were several in the capital, anti-Chinese demonstrations. Nepal was under pressure from China to resolve them. Beijing has repeatedly called on Nepal to control the Tibetan refugees to better on its territory and to halt the protests.

These protests brought the government of Nepal, solid relations with China aiming at a loss. Nepal is committed to the "one China" policy, which considers Tibet as an integral part of China. Nepal has reiterated its powerful northern neighbor assured that it will not allow that to take place on its territory from China directed operations. Nepal has increased controls and warned the Tibetans to organize anti-Chinese protests.

Under growing pressure from the communist regime in China Nepal has always Tibetan refugees who "illegally entered Nepal from China" carried back. Numerous media reports confirm that the mercy of the authorities in Nepal in recent years, several Tibetan refugees to the Chinese authorities.

Source: International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) Working Group, Munich


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