Saturday, January 29, 2011

Do Have Lice Dandruff

Buddha today?

When I first started my interest in Buddhism, my information came mainly from the Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan teachers with whom I had to do, always laid great emphasis on the fact that all Buddhist traditions not only respected, but both of them learn to mix without anything at will.

After I had grown up over many years, under the care of good teachers, to Buddhism in, and I began to me for traditions such as Theravada and Zen interested. This interest led to my current involvement with the German Buddhist Union and regional Groups in the Rhine-Main area.

friendship I have made especially in recent years with the Burmans in Germany. Through contact with them I have learned a lot about the Buddhism of the Theravada tradition, as it is maintained in the southern countries like Burma, Thailand and Sri Lanka. With most interest the study of Vinaya, the monastic rules, the first "basket" of the three baskets teaching (Tripitaka) was.
much in these rules in today's difficult to understand. Looking at it but in the historical context, to make sense of these rules. They are for people who are disturbed in a feudal and absolutist society want to go their spiritual path. This is one reason why it is now often conflict with modern structures of democracy and self-government.

According to the Vinaya, the monks' House lot, "which means that they no house with associated household should call their own. There are lay people who ensure that the monks when needed a roof over their head and enough to eat, drink and get medical care. The monks keep out of these matters and are responsible for teaching the Buddhist doctrine and for mental care and support of the laity.

In my next post I will try a concrete example describe, to observe what the irritation test, this separation and the rules in today's lead can.


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