Saturday, January 29, 2011

Do Have Lice Dandruff

Buddha today?

When I first started my interest in Buddhism, my information came mainly from the Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan teachers with whom I had to do, always laid great emphasis on the fact that all Buddhist traditions not only respected, but both of them learn to mix without anything at will.

After I had grown up over many years, under the care of good teachers, to Buddhism in, and I began to me for traditions such as Theravada and Zen interested. This interest led to my current involvement with the German Buddhist Union and regional Groups in the Rhine-Main area.

friendship I have made especially in recent years with the Burmans in Germany. Through contact with them I have learned a lot about the Buddhism of the Theravada tradition, as it is maintained in the southern countries like Burma, Thailand and Sri Lanka. With most interest the study of Vinaya, the monastic rules, the first "basket" of the three baskets teaching (Tripitaka) was.
much in these rules in today's difficult to understand. Looking at it but in the historical context, to make sense of these rules. They are for people who are disturbed in a feudal and absolutist society want to go their spiritual path. This is one reason why it is now often conflict with modern structures of democracy and self-government.

According to the Vinaya, the monks' House lot, "which means that they no house with associated household should call their own. There are lay people who ensure that the monks when needed a roof over their head and enough to eat, drink and get medical care. The monks keep out of these matters and are responsible for teaching the Buddhist doctrine and for mental care and support of the laity.

In my next post I will try a concrete example describe, to observe what the irritation test, this separation and the rules in today's lead can.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Inspirational Nhl Players


Finally 13! Finally a real teen! What a lucky number!
We are grateful for every single day with you - our great ...

Those who see the two beams to race was uncertain, but who here has actually birthday today, or?

The family will celebrate tomorrow with friends, because today is the birthday boy in his favorite activity - in the house - and so I can enjoy the same with baking cakes & Co. ...: O)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Crockpot Brisket Dry Rub

Twin ... All

... against Nähunlust, that was my self-prescribed therapy last weekend.

Take a tried and tested - and approved - cut from an old favorite Ottobre (Autumn / Winter 2007) and a few well seasoned and busy in my stash so thoroughly a few hours. And then out comes this:

First, this ...

Feinstgestreifeltes, fludderiges single jersey my stash

... and the other a. ..

University Interlock, relatively good grip, but very soft

Amended I have on average only the position of the gathering, which was originally written for me ca.5cm too high.
's handling of the buttons I got it to me a bit made easier than in the abstract: The space provided (bebügelten with Vilene) strips of fabric, I just ironed on the half and the open edges of the strip with the Ovi together on the right on right on leading edges of blouses sewn parts. This Ovi-seam you can see now though, if the top buttons are open, but that bothers me in this case.

had such a right has the "therapy" did not, but I'm now two more Jersey Blouses - and 2.5 m of fabric less - in the closet. The next fuel market is finally in sight, there must be a bit of space to be created!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Renew Canadian Drivers License In Another Country

Last pillow ...

promised ...! Actually, I wanted
stop after 3 pillows ... but NOW is definitely the end!

This pattern has brought me to the idea - okay, went with me it just patching a ring shape, the similarity to the Wedding Ring pattern is thus only rudimentary, but the offense was still here ...

And now I know full well that paperpiecing is indeed, a nice way that there will be but never a Wedding Ring quilt out of my hand! Never ever!

And stay true to to my purpose and in the near future without a pillow to get closer, I should look around HERE not better: O)

Fur Bedroom Wallpaper

Crochet Queen

Current favorite pastime of the Great: Crochet - socializing - knots - with Catania cotton yarn.

Holiday Yield:

- without words -

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How To Transfer Ohio License To A Pa License

Wikileaks: China pays Nepal arrests Tibetan refugees

pictures: Tibetan border towns of Nepal

China puts pressure on the Government of Nepal to stop Tibetan protests against Beijing-looking in their territory. As is evident from one of Wikileaks published
Depeche U.S., China is also its financial strength to pay for the Nepalese police to ensure that they are arrested members of the exile community. In

published by the Whistle-blower site says an unnamed messages Source of the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi always assumed that "the Chinese government, the armed forces reward of Nepal that it offers border guards financial incentives on the run from China located Tibetans to arrest and surrender".

The U.S. State Department entitled "Diary of Delhi" by the U.S. Embassy sent notice, which was classified as confidential, including a statement about the Tibetan refugees, which is the source of the embassy members had made on 4 February.
Wikileaks, the more than 250,000 American diplomatic dispatches published the names of the persons mentioned as the source has been removed.
The number of Indian soil enter be Tibetans has fallen steadily since Beijing demanded from Kathmandu to intensify patrols Nepalese border troops to prevent Tibetans from coming to Nepal, as shown by the dispatch which also myrepublica online, the Website of the Nepalese newspaper Republica, which has been published indicate.
This is to reduce the number of Tibetans arriving in India was "since the popular uprising in Tibet has fallen significantly from 2008.

live in Nepal some 20,000 Tibetans in exile, and since the riots in Lhasa in 2008, there were several in the capital, anti-Chinese demonstrations. Nepal was under pressure from China to resolve them. Beijing has repeatedly called on Nepal to control the Tibetan refugees to better on its territory and to halt the protests.

These protests brought the government of Nepal, solid relations with China aiming at a loss. Nepal is committed to the "one China" policy, which considers Tibet as an integral part of China. Nepal has reiterated its powerful northern neighbor assured that it will not allow that to take place on its territory from China directed operations. Nepal has increased controls and warned the Tibetans to organize anti-Chinese protests.

Under growing pressure from the communist regime in China Nepal has always Tibetan refugees who "illegally entered Nepal from China" carried back. Numerous media reports confirm that the mercy of the authorities in Nepal in recent years, several Tibetan refugees to the Chinese authorities.

Source: International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) Working Group, Munich

Free Solar Return Chart

Tealeaves Cardigan - III.

The 3rd and first of its kind since last Saturday and was now finally ready to knit his buttons.

And I should probably just see - I'm not a string type. Neee ... I need to just always too long for such a part. But OK - you can not know everything can: O)

This wool cardigan I had the good can knit a size smaller - it is now a bit ... but plenty of Cuddly !

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Best Oil Free Drugstore Concealer

Crazy nine patch pillow lattice

occurred to me that we do not have a white sofa that could tolerate new cushions ... What luck! This pattern and the method, like the individual blocks are prepared me so well that I just wanted to try NOW. Said - done!

Apart from the fact that there seems to be pretty difficult to count correctly to 9 and therefore we must make do at the end with only 8 blocks, this 9-patch-lattice blocks make really fun and go right fix: O)

... ahem ... So sometimes I really wonder how I'm just SO a combination of colors come ... I mean, the colors fit together already, especially since some of the substances from Amy Butler is series, but somehow the overall result is in yet so not in my actual color (prey) schema.

The back of the cushion is so a case of what-did-I-me-this-just-thought but rather in reference to why I actually purchased the fabric at all. I think the last fuel market visits, I was so overwhelmed by the abundant supply of roses and rose to strip and rose on points substances that are inevitably in me have too-willing-effect, and the said my stash then wandered into my pocket. Since then, I was wondering what to do with it at-all-in-the-world, actually - but now it has found its destiny. Phew!

Hm .. Very well.
The overall impression somehow evokes the mood for spring ... so yes, perhaps not so bad!

And the 9-patch pillow-lattice fits the cathedral-windows-pillow ...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Make Somebody Fall Asleep

Another addendum ...

... my ANNA of felt.

The actual main door for this bag so far I could not post here. Should it be a surprise. However, as it is now on its way and soon arrives safely, I can now show photos of it ...

My friend, this gets ANNA will surely understand why exactly THIS embroidery patterns from these tightly materials ... : O)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

What Kind Of Hat Suits A Round Face

Spider Web Pillow ...

... are not as scary as the name sounds. And to sew this pattern is super easy - Especially when you look at the instructions of easypeasy HERE takes as a model.

And once again tried a new pattern! I think the main reason I sew pillows so much, because to try out a lot of time, without a huge project like that one has to start - is so boring I have NEVER guaranteed that I have a whole Spider Web Quilt bring about .. .

And did I mention that the free-motion quilting is getting better?
This freestyle-heart-ring pattern is dedicated vanree who had to exert quite nice to Stipple me infected with the virus. But now caught's made me even worse!

Network Camera Snc-m1

Mod Mosaic ...

... or something like that.

The small new sofa still has room for more white / colorful cushions and the case remains cries out for projects that create enough space for more, other residues.

In my head I had actually this pattern, but since I come again my own comfort in between. For what to read instructions, which I know but eh, how are you?!

Well now, the result proves that I had the instructions but sometimes prefer to fly at least once ... Somehow reminds me more of the pillow now one allotments as a mosaic floor tiles: O)

But it's still nice and colorful! And the free-motion quilting so I have also practiced again. I must say, it runs quite well. And I've finally found the best setting, so that the top thread to the back no longer drawn to small loops. This way I work my way piece by piece on my first gestippelten quilt. In short: The Stipple virus has hit me pretty!