Friday, December 31, 2010

Sample Permission Travel Letter

Last but not least ... Cathedral Windows! Apple Walnut Caramel Cake

This year started with a technical sewing pillows and so it is only right, it also ends with a pillow.

On so many ideas I would never even come. How well that as my love vanree indicates to me on many occasions has set one or the other flea in his ear sewing enthusiasts. Sometimes my first reaction is to such spontaneous fleas from defensive, because I can not imagine that I could ever be bored enough to SOWAS itself into action.

Quilts sew part of it, for example. Free motion quilting or with the machine ... yeah, these fleas have pricked me especially persistent until I finally ventured out. However

had this cushion is not quite so difficult to act this year than last SEWING impose on me.

The idea and the right tutorial I got shown here.

And while we're on our Christmas present yesterday - in the form of a cozy little beds - had brought the big blue of Sweden, the course required URGENTLY for a particularly beautiful pillow, my initial resistance was broken soon ...

one from the front ...

... here are the back

And with the pillows, I have also realized the first time to my project, colorful fabrics to combine with white and I like it very well!

At this point, therefore, a big thank you to my dear Stipplequeen, for all the interesting links that you send me over and the crazy ideas that you infizierst me!

... Oh, and by the way - what I folds in the face while lying on the pillow Parade get me TO-TAL does not matter!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Salad Dressing Seven Seas Creamy Italian


... or "X reasons why will become of me never a master baker" ...

Beautiful Cookbooks are a special treat. For viewing, reading and bring an appetite. Even if you cook only rarely thereafter. And just as it is with great Baking books. Also something very fine. And in my case, then these books are even used now and again actually.

My heart's children have given me for Christmas one baking book Mrs Barcomi.
I LOVE these books, had they been given away but only, instead of time to retain one.

After two days browsing and note stuck-between-the-side-clamp, there was now the most full-bodied apple-walnut-caramel cake ... er, actually more of a cake ... at least for my humble pie understanding.

And now to the enumeration of the above-mentioned reasons

a) I have no Patience. A cake has to fix stirred together and yet are impressive and staggering - a 3-hour action followed by a 1-hour kitchen cleaning, which is nothing for me. At least not for every day.
b) How do you get a smooth butter cream? Huh? So smooth is something else than what I was allowed to spread on my cake ... and it was the butter is really soft ...
c) I need clear information regarding the ingredients. Back when my ambitions have stalled at the moment, if I want to send my husband to shop and to me is very fundamental questions, like "cheese? What for a fresh cheese?" - Then passes me the desire for home-made, culinary delights quite quickly again.
And again: cream cheese? Yes, please what for a cream cheese? In fresh cheese shall run a lot, for example, cottage cheese, ricotta, Philadelphia, mascarpone, cottage cheese ...
d) frustration: Why do my cakes NEVER like this, like the woman in Barcomis books? (I mean, apart from the fact that my cream is not smooth, but has more similarity with cottage cheese.) How she manages only to stir caramel sauce into cream cheese and cream after the cream is still snow white?
e) Barcomi wife insists that we should disregard any of its data or change the ... I find quite hard to ... ahem ...

... but good. Despite all these reasons, the result was still quite tasty, even if it was not as pretty as the original mixer Barco.

The caramel sauce I used had touched two days ago - EXTRA for this cake! - And the cake is delicious without REALLY!

Ah, yes ... we pay attention to calories and then again next year: O)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Any Restaurants Like Dave & Busters In Ny

Psychiatric State Hospital Wiesloch

1969 I began training as a nurse in the former psychiatric hospital (PLK) Wiesloch. A good friend had begun there training. The station where I knew it my service was called at that time, "MAR I", which is an abbreviation for "men receiving Quiet" was. This division was initially admitted to any man who is not noticed by special or aggressiveness was immobilized. This meant that stayed in this house, the mentally handicapped, alcoholics and drug addicts in withdrawal, people with depression, survivors of a suicide attempt as well as people with psychoses and neuroses together. The aggressive patients were (worried MU men's) in the wards I and MU MU II. In the MU stations there were, in addition to the existing MAR Fixing possibilities, the so-called rubber cells. All I know of homes were "closed" institutions. This meant that all the doors were locked and had only nursing staff with appropriate keys through the doors. The stations were organized in a strictly hierarchical, the line was at the doctors, among them were the nurses station and according to the nurses at this level of training and years of service. The entire nursing staff, including trainees as I was at the age of 16 to 18 years, paused to act with authority and "special needs" of patients is not possible to grant.

patients were found in this Institute structure, as in prisons, sometimes more or less cope. They found out pretty quickly, who was from the nursing staff and unsafe behind the artificial, often had only by the possession of a key related to freedom, authority, and who hide them seriously as people took.

I noticed very soon on Mr. V., a man about 70 years from Mannheim, the distribution of the drugs at his tablets always kept in the mouth and discarded in an unobserved moment believed in the patient toilet. Mr. V. also regularly trained his muscles by sit-ups, push-ups and just lifting chairs. In an interview, he confided to me why he was "in the institution "was. He worked until his retirement for a large chemical company and was convinced that agents wanted to ruin this group's health and sought after his life He was well aware that ultimately this" paranoia "was the him in this organization brought. He seemed not to disturb but, since he is here feel safe. was working for him that he was to inaction and "dawn to himself," one convicted. There were no therapists or family members, who really cared about him.

was another result of our conversation that he likes to watercolor drawing would. He did not color the opportunity to brush, pens and handmade paper to buy. On the one hand because he did not have enough pocket money possessed. Second, because he was locked away and had no way to leave the hospital and see a shop in the city. My offer that I 50, - DM wanted to borrow from my parents for him to obtain the necessary utensils, he reluctantly took first in disbelief, but to enthusiastically. He wrote to me on exactly what he needed and had tears in my eyes when I handed him a day later the things. Now a general and appreciative amazement sat in the hospital under the care staff and other patients one made by means of the high-quality and beautiful watercolors that Mr. V. was able to. He sold it to the weekend visitors to the other patients for small money. His motives were mostly landscapes from European forests. Other motives were drawings of deserts, oases and camels. Very rarely portraits were among them. All these watercolors created from scratch. Within a few weeks ago I had the 50th - DM my parents got back, and a further sum of it to buy additional accessories and handmade paper. As a reward for my efforts I got watercolors that my parents and enjoyed for many years adorned the wall of her living room.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Shifter Karts For Beginner

of postscript ...

... from the pre-Christmas Nähchaos ---

Yet another change of key for the felt-ANNA.
simply Ganz, but with an "open source" stitched lettering added.

Online Am I Manglik Or Not

Imp Gifts

The girls still need gnome gifts for the school ... there this sweet idea was just right - and the limit of 5, - € can also be observed at least just yet ... .

The quantities specified in the recipe I added 1 / 3 and, thus, the 1.5-liter glass that we have used almost full.

The "recipe" for the DIY baking mixing cookie is hand on the glass and the girls have taken over the filling and decorating.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Samsung Combi C103 Microwave Instruction Manual

direct from the Nähchaos ...

... A small report ...

are still not completed all sewn Christmas - but it is!

Another MachWerk-ANNA. This time from well-3mm thick mottled wool felt. The conservative base color allows for playing around on the exchange door ... I think.
mottled felt I had to simply cut a hole pattern, then the flap with different colored thin felt lining, traced the contours of the pattern and stitched together the edges of the course, both still felt plates.

The "major" change hatch has an ornament with red, hence the show flashing red on the body bag.

Also this bag is given away. At some point, should I also make one for me again ...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Many Units In Cactus Jack

Nicky tunic

love not only the young ladies of the house in winter clothes technically warm and comfortable - me too! Since I
for the girls some time ago tunics - or stated quite banal: Kurzarmpullover with a slight A-line - had made me the plan was haunted this in your head - but, lack of time.

Now I am finally come to: After a cut from an older Ottobre Woman -
Fall / Winter 2008 - Model 18 - I have my Nicky tunic sewn with huge cuddle factor.
only one change - not to be overlooked - the short sleeves with cuffs statements.
was inaugurated today in the office and has already passed the test!

I particularly like the wide collar. Although I have doubled it completely with a thin jersey, he is soft.
The only frills: a misused Pimpicuff Owl on the left sleeve.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tamil Poetry For Marriage

Nobel Peace Prize 2010

list of the 18 countries due to a request by the Chinese regime is not in the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo participated in alphabetical order:

  • Egypt
  • Afghanistan, Iraq
  • ,
  • Iran, Kazakhstan
  • ,
  • Colombia, Cuba
  • ,
  • Morocco, Pakistan
  • ,
  • the Philippines,
  • Russia, Saudi Arabia
  • ,
  • Serbia
  • Sudan, Tunisia
  • ,
  • Ukraine,
  • Venezuela Vietnam
This is the illustrious round of the States, of which human rights and freedom of expression are considered dangerous, and who, therefore, beyond the regime in Beijing.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Is Guideline Value In Chennai

Cacheur à la Calmly ...

... because the idea I found here .

frozen, I'm that seemed to me to be a great idea, as a supplement to the new Jackie.

took Fortunately, a remnant from the rest of the rust-colored substance Walk, which I yesterday in a 30minutes Action could turn into a fluffy Popov poorer. measure

In preparation of the Ruck-Zuck-cold-defense measure hip and waist circumference over a narrow trousers.

You now take a strip as long as the hip circumference (NZ +2 cm) and about 30-40cm (height = length of the later Sashes).

this strip to sew now on the short side right sides together.

The resulting "tube" will now be put down, the seam is located on the site of the center back later.

Subtracting the size of the waist by the circumference of the hips, gives a measure - I call it X.
Example: 102cm Hips.. 85cm Waist = X = 17cm. Of these I have
17cm 4cm (the explanation is that later) and pushed me stay thus left 13cm. I share these 13cm by 4 and get such a result by about 3cm. These now form the 3 cm depth of the darts that are set on the sides of Sashes.

have in my case, I stitched the measure of these little darts and rounded on both sides of 3.5 cm - after all the fabric stretch, wear out before wearing something else and even ... The darts have a slight curve on - to imitate Hüftrundung - and walk slowly to 15cm.

Then I had each approximately 9 cm from the posterior suture two small rear darts placed at a depth of 1cm. The amount of darts I've chosen to 10cm.
AAAAHHHHH .... thinking here of the careful reader .... 2 Abnäherchen with a depth of 1 cm results in the above 4cm, which have been deducted from the difference between hip and waist circumference. Yes - just as it is: a dart with 1cm depth = 2cm ... and the whole gives 4 x 2 inches (!). To make

the whole thing a bit clearer, I've just tried on a sketch: (click to enlarge just the photo)

the skirt I cut only with the pinking shears - the fraying fabric in fact not made of.

The serger I have set both all the seams, sewn as well as at the end of another narrow rubber band on the left side of the upper edge so that the Cacheur even after several on and off not too ausleiert.

the sake of clarity now also the obligatory photos of the Popov Poorer in action - I can say is really hot love doing! ... And Christmas market already tested.

you all a great second Advent!