Monday, October 18, 2010

Glory Hole Locations In London

Schopenhauer and the brain research

a lecture on Schopenhauer and modern brain research :

Wednesday, 10.20.2010, 19:00 clock,
space for cultural Dresdner Bank,
Gallusanlage 7
Frankfurt am Main

Marie-Christine Beisel, MA (Freiburg)
Schopenhauer and the mirror neurons

Organizer: Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft eV and Dresdner / Commerzbank


For Schopenhauer's ethics is the central concept of compassion and of great importance, for in current discussions about possible empathy deficits perpetrators of violence. Modern brain research can now provide with the discovery of mirror neurons, a confirmation of Schopenhauer's assumption that the Mitleidensfähigkeit represents something of an anthropological constant, which enables the understanding of other people and animals.
The speaker works in Freiburg with Prof. Hühn on a dissertation on "The feeling in compassion." She has reported on the Schopenhauer Congress in September already from your work and will present its findings on Wednesday in the extremely important represent "space for culture" more detail.
Everyone is cordially welcome !


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