Sunday, November 28, 2010

Minnetonka Moccasins Retailers Mn

New jacket ... uh, Jackie!

The new liked dream cut jacket "Jackie" me right away! After I ordered it right on the first day, I am only now come to realize my Jackie in action. Already annoyed that woman going to work must also happen to be ... : O (

Some Walk residues, interlock, Nicky and a variety of bands remains, individual buttons and parts from a discarded Oilily-Rock we went but finally in the last days but to work one of my circumstances quite betüdeltes piece is created thereby..

I prefer all my virtual hat to produce the general so colorful, betüdelte clothes, for myself, these projects bring more fairly on my time and patience limit - despite the fact that my End result really like Supergut!

sewn I have my Jackie (above far related) in an intermediate size of M to L.
The shoulders could be slightly narrower and in the rear sleeve cap for my taste a little too much material. But better that way than if it just fails.
is already a special phenomenon that we make sewing enthusiasts for self-sewn so fussy on the fit - for sitting in and bought in most cases, not so good!

The panel along the front center of the hem and I do not have a straight cut strips sewn, but worked as a form of aperture and thereby doubled interlock with Baumwollwebstoff. It's in the curves of the pattern pieces the better. After completion of my

have Jackie then I found that I have the collar solution again something done differently than was actually provided in the section: This is what happens when one imagines that instructions were written for everyone else! Fortunately, this section such arbitrary actions forgive: O)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Costco Belgian Chocolate

not who reads, knows the world is not

"In a yellow envelope packed that I can still see before me, suddenly the wide world came to the village life of my childhood: Heinrich Harrer's book "Seven Years in Tibet" to me than elementary school in Salzburg for the first time the fascination of a strange world and a different religion opened. And before I knew about Paris or New York, Lhasa was the city of my dreams. "

" Those who do not read, knows the world, "added Arno Schmidt clear and concise. Preferring experience was not sufficient, because only from the interpretation of experiences growing experience and knowledge of the world. Reading is a place where everyone and can try out any new light on the world.
read is in this case, of course: not absorb information texts, but immersed in fictional literary worlds. "By causing fictional us to reconsider our initial judgments about these or those people, they help us to free ourselves from our past and cultural environment," Richard Rorty writes in his essay "The novel as a means of redemption from self-centeredness ".

foreign countries and cultures - to get to know them, it does not only guide, or political and sociological analysis. Literature and inventing images of mentalities and life circumstances, and although often more sustainable than theories. Thus, the most intense literary bridge into unknown regions, but also in the past of their own society. The life of earlier generations in the literature, kept at best - but not as dead, "conserved" matter, but so that we become players.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Can You Have Both Strep Throat And Bronchitis?

shopping: from dm to Schlecker of Tegut and Basic to Lidl

My zeal for blogging has in recent weeks and months, somewhat. One issue to me is commonplace for some time through my head and I decided to blog about:

Similar to daily hygiene and daily food intake, most people and I also shop almost every day. Biased by my parents house I always had a lot of food, its production, preparation and consumption do. Not long after I left Mom and Dad, I began my interest in healthy eating. In addition to the health and soon played a role in ethical issues for me. What could have been for food "healthy" when they made cruelty to animals and plants, artificial rearing Conditions arose.

early age, the age of 17, I decided to become vegetarian, or at least what I thought then that. It changed significantly is that I meat with my meals were left out. This "diet" was convicted two years later with the formation of shingles on my face. A doctor diagnosed a food shortage due to the lack of B vitamins and various other food ingredients. He strongly advised me after my therapy, my vegetarianism to provide a solid foundation. The food store was me by the doctor as an information source and product procurement, in terms of full-value nutrition for vegetarians recommended. The food shop on the main street in Heidelberg, this was about my first stop. Later, after many years of practical experience with my diet, I opened a health food store with a friend.

Shopping has always been for me, especially after the change in my eating habits, means more than low-cost product sourcing. Since I am in the vicinity of restaurants grew, I learned early on that the welfare of clients and staff in the stores, the addition to the quality and the price / performance ratio of products is of immense importance.

I have with shops selling "everything", my doubts about the competence and ownership of the products by the seller, I prefer smaller shops and specialist operations department stores and supermarkets before always if possible .

My shopping spots here in Frankfurt's North, both the ones I frequently visit and love, and those that I avoid more:

The is the Biosupermarkt with me around the corner. Ok priced to expensive. Baked goods are too expensive. The staff is only partially informed about the products, as well appropriate training would be a little more. At least there are enough staff that you can ask what it helps but if you do not always get the desired information. Because I feel at

Health Food Andersch
lifted one block better. Achim, the owner, cares very nice to his customers know almost all the products a story. He takes organic fruit and vegetables from the nearby Taunus and other neighboring regions of the Rhine-Main area. There

drugstores it right two on the Oederweg and several more in the neighborhood.

These markets I have visited only once. If there was a second purchase, only because I was too lazy to walk a road on. Informed and friendly staff? No way! I usually only hit a completely overworked and exasperated saleswoman at the counter and someone in the shop that / admits the shelves. Both had neither the time nor patience to help with any questions. This is not surprising if the negative news on the personnel policy of the company Schlecker is responsible. The blatant display, the one harassed often much too loud in these markets helps to make things for my too to prevent frequent purchases in these shops.

dm Drogerie
Hier ist es etwas anders. The interior is attractive, people who help a finding is there are enough and even the woman or the man at the box office despite stressful job very friendly and helpful. The prices are similar to those at other drug stores and in the relevant departments of the supermarkets. Also noteworthy is the wide range of foods and dietary supplements, mostly from organic production.

Something has changed here. My previous perception has an acute shortage of staff be improved to the effect that at least always enough funds are occupied. Even organic products are to have, but without containing advice for cheap, I think.

is a bit further away for me, but that does nothing. For similar reasons as in Schlecker, I will avoid shopping there more often (lack of personnel, intelligence to handle the company's management with employees and suppliers, etc.)

taken after the Tengelmann stores in my neighborhood all of Rewe were, my environment has become almost a supermarket monoculture. There are by me the nearest shops. Customers sound there, with annoying for my taste bad to mediocre music, is a reason for me only in extreme lack of time and only the bare minimum to buy there. At least after the horrible music for the third time of the announcement, " Rewe every day a little better! " was suspended from the sound system, I leave these markets in a hurry.

Unfortunately, a bit further away from where I live. As often as I can and must and time permits, go / I go shopping there. Here There are subtle, often classical music, the choice is wide of organic and conventional products. The shop is full of competent people that it seems fun to consult customers on request. What's that mean to the staff room far visible and admonishing mounted wooden crucifix, I have to this day still can not fathom.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mount & Blade Dawn Of War

Bandita -

the first double digit birthday, the girl had wanted a Bandita how big it is: Colorful and cuddly. The main materials for its self chosen - the rest have mercy on me then they leave ... : O)

The smile in the morning was certainly wide - VERY wide!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Does A Ringworm Fades When Pressed


Because the cut is so beautiful ...
Because I have sooo much bought leather ...
Because in my head still sooo many ideas floating around to ... and because
ANNA gives such a wonderful Christmas gift ...

... ANNA here my no. 3

This time a "lazy" version - without the zipper at the large inner pocket.
I have personally had the experience that I have this RV anyway only very rarely close. So I just saved it to me this time (ähem. ..)

The Schnickeldi-outside-dranhäng pouch I've always replaced by a simple pocket, but you have to yes can also be increased: O)

material : re synthetic leather and Alcantara
Embroidery: lovebirds from the Feenwerkstatt

And here's a supplement - the flap to change ANNA III.

A bit more color as their "colleague" in black, but still not pushy.