Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Father Birthday Speech

appeal for floods in Ladakh Buddhism

call for donations of World Human Foundation eV, Frank Zablewski "Ladakh-emergency"

Dear friends, I

when the news of the huge mud-flood disaster got, I was very concerned about the people / my friends on the spot, especially since many of them live in the Tibetan refugee village Choglamsar, which was hit hardest by the mud-floods.

According to the latest figures (yesterday in Delhi) were killed over 200 people buried in the mud and debris masses, about 600 people are still missing.

Many tourists of all nationalities and ages, all religious communities in the field (Buddhists, Muslims and Christians (Mr. Hutter, since 1885 in Leh represented by a community) have a day actively collected donations, clean-up done and many volunteers sent to the worst-affected places. In the face of this drama with its many ruined houses, dead and injured and many individual fates, such as Help, gripping in its simplicity, self-sacrificing energy and impressive solidarity, a heart theme was all compassionate people, so there were some tourists have the whole incident would ignore and with great anger and incomprehension to respond that their trek had to be stopped now.

short course

Due to torrential rains in the night of August 6, it came in the northern Indian Himalayan region of Ladakh to floods and mudslides. In the lower regions of the Indus around the capital, Leh, houses have been torn away and there were deaths and injuries. Many residents are left with nothing. The hospital in Leh was by the far-to crush cars and huge pieces of stone-filled mud avalanche affected almost all the rooms have been filled with up to one meter high mud, whether operating rooms or children's ward, almost the entire machinery is destroyed, the surviving patients were evacuated during the night barely.

With the simplest of means (aluminum trays filled with mud, are in long rows of volunteers from the hospital passed hand to hand out the window at the yard poured see photo) and with great help of foreign tourists, is currently the hospital, free of the mudslide.

The Tibetan refugee village Choglamsar is the most affected. There are still missing, most people, more than 100 people died here in the mud wave on the night of August 6. The cleanup and recovery work is still months, if not take years.

If you would like to help the affected people on site, please donate.

our direct assistance account:

World Human Foundation eV

Frank Zablewski "Ladakh-emergency"

account number 1931300 (BLZ 508 900 00) Volksbank Darmstadt

The non-profit of the WHF is by the Amtsgericht Darmstadt confirmed. Donations are tax deductible and are accepted by the tax office. If desired, you will receive a donation receipt.

We will pass the funds targeted to trust would Ladakh support groups locally and pass a portion of the donations specifically affected persons on site in the form of direct assistance. On the use of all donations I will inform you in detail.

I thank you for your trust

Frank Zablewski

World Human Foundation eV

64287 Darmstadt Fax: 0 61 51-42 96 124


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