Friday, April 16, 2010

Bigestboob Of Wwe Woman

earthquake in Tibet or in China?

great surprise received by interested viewers of news from the earthquake area. All channels report an earthquake in the "West China" and that in the province of Qinghai, which indeed sounds very Chinese. In the pictures you can see the rapporteur but always a lot of Tibetans and Tibetan monks, which we suspect inexperienced Westerners in Tibet in China but not in such numbers.

I quickly realized that what we heard here and got to see the result of Chinese policy was to destroy Tibet's status as a large and autonomous unit.

divides the population of Qinghai is as follows:

Chinese 55%, 21% Tibetans

Hui 16%

These figures relate to today's reality. Tibetans and Tibet friends must face this reality. With the continuing influx of Chinese, the proportion of Tibetans is increasing even more.

know Tibet-Kenner, that the historical Tibet, consisting of 3 Cholkhas: Ü-Tsang (central Tibet), Doto (Kham) and dome (Amdo).
Kyegudo (Yushu), which now affected by the earthquake is located in Kham. After the division of China's leaders, it is now part of Qinghai Province (Tso-ngön or blue sea = Kokonor). Both the Tibetan province of Kham and Amdo have been divided into several new regions. For this reason, some even Tibet experts are confused.

If China's historical claims to be the truth about Tibet, then they can only 18th and 19 Th century. Between 1720 and 1911, Tibet became occasionally in varying degrees of dependence of China's Manchu Qing Dynasty. For a brief period even practiced the Manchus strong influence on the government affairs of Tibet, especially immediately after the occupation in 1720, after the Tibetan civil war of 1727-28 (Amban, the high commissioner of the Manchu was initially stationed in Lhasa). After the uprising of Tibetans against the Manchu in 1750 (peak of Ambans influence on Tibetan Affairs) and after the Gorkha War of 1792 took effect this again. The authority of the Ambans' in Lhasa was in this almost 200 years depending on the strength and unity of the ruling class in Tibet and the stability of the Manchu government in China on or off.

In the three traditional regions of Tibet, the Chinese influence in Amdo was always strongest. It was created back in 1928 the provinces of Qinghai and Sichuan provinces (eastern Kham). You could even then as a Chinese "cartographic Invasion" in Tibet recognize. Nevertheless, the cartographic representation of Tibet in 3 parts from the perspective of Tibetans, and always remained fundamentally unchanged. Despite the lack of reliable data, you can understand and claim that was followed in 1928, the Tibetans, the dominant ethnic group of Hui and Mongols, in these regions. Hui are ethnic Chinese Muslims. It is clear that the influx began in the non-Muslim ethnic Chinese into Qinghai after 1928th

On 9 September 1965, shortly before the Cultural Revolution, Tibet is formally split from the Chinese central government in 5 regions:
Ü-Tsang and western Kham were "autonomous region of Tibet" (tar) called.
Most of Amdo Qinghai was,
one part of the East was the province of Gansu and the South East (Ngapa) Amdo Sichuan have been allocated.
The north-western Kham (Kyegudo = Yushu) was also integrated in Qinghai, eastern Kham in Sichuan and the southern Kham in the Yunnan Province.

conflicts in Tibet

Tibetans waiting for help

Tibet - Historical Overview


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