Monday, August 2, 2010

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hot not for nothing that the magazines two federations Sun Almost every "Buddhism" is of the opinion that his school, tradition, doctrine, or group that is suitable form for our times.

It is true that, still accessible, original teachings of the Buddha is astonishing universally as the basis of a world religion. Much of what has evolved in the last 2,500 years, from this original theory, can be seen, however, critical. Much has changed more or less clever people, adapted, developed, and often even distorted.

is crucial to me that Buddhism has the potential to make free and independent, not only in a spiritual context. In further articles I'll try to respond to critical structures that cause the opposite. Groups and individuals use these structures in order to lead people to exploit these dependencies and dependencies. Buddhism has a lot of sympathy in this country and without that really is a deeper knowledge is there. The result is that, knowingly and unknowingly anything in this religion into "secret eats" is, rather than deal with the clear and unambiguous message of the Buddha.

Here are some of the internet to access good and critical information:

Buddhist sects

Tibetan Buddhism - facts and background

The broken Buddha - Critical Reflections on Theravada

Dhammakaya - Nirvana for sale?

wholesome and unwholesome structures in groups pdf

The information available in the German Wikipedia on Buddhism are often very good and recommended. In Tibet caution because large influence is exerted by the Chinese administration and data and facts on Wikipedia are falsified by their agents or rewritten.

portal Buddhism in Wikipedia